mqtt-dirpub =========== A mqtt subscriber-client that lets you to save/organize your data messages into filesystem directory. This helps in organizing your subscribed data in neat hierarchy. **mqtt-dirpub** is based on original `sub_client.c` that comes with `mosquitto`. ### Available mqtt-dirpub **new** options: `--fmask ` **file-mask** - path to message outfile. allowed masks are: `@[epoch|date|year|month|day|datetime|hour|min|sec|id|topic[1-9]]` **eg.** `--fmask '/tmp/msgs/@year/@month@-@day/@topic/@hour@min'` will create file: `/tmp/msgs/2010/10-29/topic/0540` Note: **topic**/s *having hierarchy structure gets further resolved to directory.* `--overwrite` Works only with `--fmask`. This option starts client in overwrite mode. *Caution: The existing data files get overwritten with every messages received.* `--nodesuffix` Works only with `--fmask`. This option provides file suffix for leaf/text nodes. Dependencies ------------- - libmosquitto Your can also drop/replace `sub_client.c` file in `mosquitto-/client/` directory to compile with parent package.