# NB Reader Rss reader *(web based)* for Newsbeuter/Newsboat. _NOTE: Beta-release_ :Author: vkrishn@insteps.net :Date: 2020-10-23 :Version: 0.2.0-beta1 #### Table of Contents 1. [Features](#features) 2. [Why a hybrid application](#why-a-hybrid-application) 3. [Requirements / Dependencies](#requirements--dependencies) 4. [Reference](#reference) 5. [Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.](#limitations) 6. [Development - Guide for contributing to the module](#development) ## Features 1. Feed list supporting *hierarchy* in category. 2. Search on feed list. 3. Search on active rss items. 4. Responsive layout that adapts on mobile/desktop devices. 5. Mark article as read (manual). 6. Passive update of new feed in UI. 7. Support for multiple databases. 8. Search multiple databases (cli only for now). 9. Rest api for accessing via web (json). 10. Convert existing newsbeuter db to nbreader format (experimental). ## Demo http://dev.insteps.net/rss/ ![Layout](http://download.tuxfamily.org/pmreader/screenshots/nbreader-layout-01.png) ![Layout](http://download.tuxfamily.org/pmreader/screenshots/nbreader-layout-02.png) ## Why a hybrid application 1. Works for me ! 2. Nice cli support, simple database. 3. Simple back-end, don't need to bother rss parsing. ## Requirements / Dependencies 1. Newsbeuter (or Newsboat, with link for Newsbeuter) 2. Sqlite3 3. Curl(default) or Wget 4. PHP 5.4+ 5. Any PHP supporting web-server (tested on Apache with .htaccess file support). 6. CodeIgniter-3.x (PHP Framework) 7. File (for icon download) 8. Git/Fossil scm, (optional), url: https://www.fossil-scm.org (optional), easy way is to download the precompiled single binary file. 9. Jq (optional) 10. ## Reference ## Limitations ## Development