## A. 3rd Party frameworks/libs 1. Download and install CodeIgniter-3.1.11 (phar is preferred). 2. Download 3rd party libs/css used in application, extract libs content it in `public/lib/` accordingly. _For convenience the requied lib bundles can be found at_ * `http://download.tuxfamily.org/pmreader/nb/lib.01-20200129.tar.gz` * `http://download.tuxfamily.org/pmreader/nb/codeigniter-3.1.11.phar` ## B. Configs 1. Change install variables in `scripts/env.sh` as needed. 2. Change install variables in `public/index.php` as needed. 3. Change install variables in `apps/web/config/config.php` as needed. 4. Change install variables in `apps/web/config/newsbeuter.php` as needed. 5. Make sure feeds web url is properly installed and set. 6. Make sure Php or CodeIgniter's session path is set. ## C. Create rss/atom list file 1. Add rss/atom feeds url in 'config/url/.. list file'. See `config/readme.notes` 2. Run `sh run.sh config` to create sample data for initial setup ( when `config/url/` folder contains no files ). There is no need to have multiple urls list file, if you want to keep things simple and store all data into single file/database. 3. If so far things seem ok, edit/add urls in config/url/. run `sh run.sh config` _Note: you need to run `sh run.sh config` every time you edit/update files in `config/url/`_ ## D. Fix Directory Permissions **Make sure following directory/files are web writable** 1. `var/newsbeuter/feeds/feeds` 2. `var/newsbeuter/db` 3. `var/newsbeuter/data` 4. `var/newsbeuter/session` 5. Check if FEEDSURL defined in `scripts/env.sh` works (`http:///feeds/`). 6. Check if web url for reader works (`http:///nbreader/`). ## E. Issues 1. If you notice missing `var/newsbeuter/data/meta.json` (re-check folder permissions), or if its too small (less than 50 bytes), with no rss related data, then just delete it and refresh your browser. (Will think of a better solution sooner) **ENJOY !**