\\[\\[#([A-Za-z][-.:\\w]*))\\]\\]/e', "Keep(TrackAnchors('$1') ? '' : \"\", 'L')"); } else { Markup('[[#','<[[','/(?>\\[\\[#([A-Za-z][-.:\\w]*))\\]\\]/', "MarkupKeepTrackAnchors"); } function MarkupKeepTrackAnchors($m) { return Keep(TrackAnchors($m[1]) ? '' : "", 'L'); } # in HTML5 "clear" is a style not an attribute Markup('[[<<]]','inline','/\\[\\[<<\\]\\]/',"
"); # Allow skin header and footer to be written # in a wiki page, and use defaults otherwise SDVA($WrapSkinSections, array( '#skinheader' => '
', '#skinfooter' => '', )); SDVA($HideTemplateSections, array( '#skinheader' => 'PageHeaderFmt', '#skinfooter' => 'PageFooterFmt', )); # This function prints a skin element which is written # inside a [[#header]]...[[#headerend]] section in Site.SkinElements # overriding the existing section from the template file function SkinFmt($pagename, $args) { global $WrapSkinSections, $HideTemplateSections, $TmplDisplay; $args = preg_split('!\\s+!', $args, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $section = array_shift($args); $hidesection = $HideTemplateSections[$section]; if(isset($TmplDisplay[$hidesection]) && $TmplDisplay[$hidesection] == 0) { return; # Section was disabled by (:noheader:) or (:nofooter:) } static $pagecache = array(); foreach($args as $p) { $pn = FmtPageName($p, $pagename); if(! isset($pagecache[$pn])) { $page = RAPC($pn); $pagecache[$pn] = strval(@$page['text']); } if($pagecache[$pn] == "") continue; $rx = "/\\[\\[$section\\]\\](?: *\n+)?(.*?)\\s*\\[\\[{$section}end\\]\\]/s"; if(preg_match($rx, $pagecache[$pn], $m)) { $elm = $m[1]; } else continue; if(!$elm) continue; $html = MarkupToHTML($pagename, Qualify($pn, $elm)); echo sprintf($WrapSkinSections[$section], $html); SetTmplDisplay($hidesection,0); return; } if(@$DefaultSkinElements[$section]) echo FmtPageName($DefaultSkinElements[$section], $pagename); }