$ptext = implode(' ', @$_POST);
if ($ptext && @$BlocklistActions[$action]) {
Blocklist($pagename, $ptext);
if (!$EnablePost) {
## If $EnableBlocklist is set to 10 or higher, then arrange to
## periodically download the "moinmaster" blocklists.
if ($EnableBlocklist >= 10) {
SDVA($BlocklistDownload['SiteAdmin.Blocklist-MoinMaster'], array(
'url' => 'http://moinmo.in/BadContent?action=raw',
'format' => 'regex'));
## CheckBlocklist is inserted into $EditFunctions, to automatically
## check for blocks on anything being posted through the normal
## "update a page cycle"
array_unshift($EditFunctions, 'CheckBlocklist');
function CheckBlocklist($pagename, &$page, &$new) {
StopWatch("CheckBlocklist: begin $pagename");
$ptext = implode(' ', @$_POST);
if (@$ptext) Blocklist($pagename, $ptext);
StopWatch("CheckBlocklist: end $pagename");
## Blocklist is the function that does all of the work of
## checking for reasons to block a posting. It reads
## the available blocklist pages ($BlocklistPages) and
## builds an array of strings and regular expressiongs to
## be checked against the page; if any are found, then
## posting is blocked (via $EnablePost=0). The function
## also checks the REMOTE_ADDR against any blocked IP addresses.
function Blocklist($pagename, $text) {
global $BlocklistPages, $BlockedMessagesFmt, $BlocklistDownload,
$BlocklistDownloadRefresh, $Now, $EnablePost, $WhyBlockedFmt,
$MessagesFmt, $BlocklistMessageFmt, $EnableWhyBlocked, $IsBlocked;
StopWatch("Blocklist: begin $pagename");
$BlocklistDownload = (array)@$BlocklistDownload;
SDV($BlocklistMessageFmt, "
$[This post has been blocked by the administrator]
SDVA($BlockedMessagesFmt, array(
'ip' => '$[Address blocked from posting]: ',
'text' => '$[Text blocked from posting]: '));
SDV($BlocklistDownloadRefresh, 86400);
## Loop over all blocklist pages
foreach((array)$BlocklistPages as $b) {
## load the current blocklist page
$pn = FmtPageName($b, $pagename);
$page = ReadPage($pn, READPAGE_CURRENT);
if (!$page) continue;
## if the page being checked is a blocklist page, stop blocking
if ($pagename == $pn) return;
## If the blocklist page is managed by automatic download,
## schedule any new downloads here
if (@$BlocklistDownload[$pn]) {
$bd = &$BlocklistDownload[$pn];
SDVA($bd, array(
'refresh' => $BlocklistDownloadRefresh,
'url' => "http://www.pmwiki.org/blocklists/$pn" ));
if (!@$page['text'] || $page['time'] < $Now - $bd['refresh'])
register_shutdown_function('BlocklistDownload', $pn, getcwd());
if (!@$page['text']) continue;
## If the blocklist is simply a list of regexes to be matched, load
## them into $terms['block'] and continue to the next blocklist page.
## Some regexes from remote sites aren't well-formed, so we have
## to escape any slashes that aren't already escaped.
if (strpos(@$page['text'], 'blocklist-format: regex') !==false) {
if (preg_match_all('/^([^\\s#].+)/m', $page['text'], $match))
foreach($match[0] as $m) {
$m = preg_replace('#(?$why\n";
StopWatch("Blocklist: end $pagename");
## BlocklistDownload() handles retrieving blocklists from
## external sources into PmWiki pages. If it's able to
## download an updated list, it uses that; otherwise it leaves
## any existing list alone.
function BlocklistDownload($pagename, $dir = '') {
global $BlocklistDownloadFmt, $BlocklistDownload, $FmtV;
if ($dir) { flush(); chdir($dir); }
SDV($BlocklistDownloadFmt, "
## blocklist-note: NOTE: This page is automatically generated by blocklist.php
## blocklist-note: NOTE: Any edits to this page may be lost!
## blocklist-url: \$BlocklistDownloadUrl
## blocklist-when: \$CurrentTimeISO
# blocklist-format: \$BlocklistFormat
## get the existing blocklist page
$bd = &$BlocklistDownload[$pagename];
$page = ReadPage($pagename, READPAGE_CURRENT);
## try to retrieve the remote data
$blocklistdata = @file($bd['url']);
## if we didn't get it, and we don't already have text, save a
## note in the page so we know what happened
if (!$blocklistdata && !@$page['text']) {
$auf = ini_get('allow_url_fopen');
$blocklistdata = "#### Unable to download blocklist (allow_url_fopen=$auf)";
## if we have some new text to save, let's format it and save it
if ($blocklistdata) {
$blocklistdata = implode('', (array)$blocklistdata);
$blocklistdata = preg_replace('/^##blocklist.*/m', '', $blocklistdata);
$FmtV['$BlocklistData'] = $blocklistdata;
$FmtV['$BlocklistDownloadUrl'] = $bd['url'];
$FmtV['$BlocklistFormat'] = $bd['format'];
$page['text'] = FmtPageName($BlocklistDownloadFmt, $pagename);
SDV($page['passwdread'], '@lock');
## save our updated(?) blocklist page
WritePage($pagename, $page);