\$[Changed line \$DiffLines from:]
\$[Added line \$DiffLines:]
SDV($HandleActions['diff'], 'HandleDiff');
SDV($HandleAuth['diff'], 'read');
SDV($ActionTitleFmt['diff'], '| $[History]');
SDV($HTMLStylesFmt['diff'], "
.diffbox { width:570px; border-left:1px #999999 solid; margin-top:1.33em; }
.diffauthor { font-weight:bold; }
.diffchangesum { font-weight:bold; }
.difftime { font-family:verdana,sans-serif; font-size:66%;
background-color:#dddddd; }
.difftype { clear:both; font-family:verdana,sans-serif;
font-size:66%; font-weight:bold; }
.diffadd { border-left:5px #99ff99 solid; padding-left:5px; }
.diffdel { border-left:5px #ffff99 solid; padding-left:5px; }
.diffrestore { clear:both; font-family:verdana,sans-serif;
font-size:66%; margin:1.5em 0px; }
.diffmarkup { font-family:monospace; white-space: pre-wrap; }
.diffmarkup del { background:#ffff99; text-decoration: none; }
.diffmarkup ins { background:#99ff99; text-decoration: none; }
.rcplus { cursor:pointer; opacity:.3; font-weight:bold; padding: 0 .3em; }
.rcplus:hover {color: white; background: blue; opacity: 1;}
.rcreload { opacity:0.2; font-size: .9rem; cursor: pointer; }
.rcnew {background-color: #ffa;}");
function PrintDiff($pagename, $since=0) {
global $Now, $DiffHTMLFunction,$DiffShow,$DiffStartFmt,$TimeFmt,
$DiffEndFmt,$DiffRestoreFmt,$FmtV, $EnableDiffHidden, $LinkFunctions;
$page = ReadPage($pagename, $since);
if (!$page) return;
krsort($page); reset($page);
$lf = $LinkFunctions;
$LinkFunctions['http:'] = 'LinkSuppress';
$LinkFunctions['https:'] = 'LinkSuppress';
SDV($DiffHTMLFunction, 'DiffHTML');
$prevstamp = $Now;
foreach($page as $k=>$v) {
if (!preg_match("/^diff:(\d+):(\d+):?([^:]*)/",$k,$match)) continue;
$diffclass = $match[3];
if ($diffclass=='hidden' && !@$EnableDiffHidden) continue;
if ($diffclass=='minor' && $DiffShow['minor']!='y') continue;
$diffgmt = $FmtV['$DiffGMT'] = intval($match[1]);
$delaydays = ($prevstamp - $diffgmt) / 86400;
$compact = DiffTimeCompact($diffgmt, $prevstamp, 1);
$prevstamp = $diffgmt;
if ($delaydays < 1) $cname = '';
elseif ($delaydays < 7) $cname = 'diffday';
elseif ($delaydays < 31) $cname = 'diffweek';
elseif ($delaydays < 365) $cname = 'diffmonth';
else $cname = 'diffyear';
$FmtV['$DiffClass'] = trim("$cname $diffclass");
$FmtV['$DiffDataDelay'] = $compact;
$FmtV['$DiffTime'] = PSFT($TimeFmt,$diffgmt);
$diffauthor = @$page["author:$diffgmt"];
if (!$diffauthor) @$diffauthor=$page["host:$diffgmt"];
if (!$diffauthor) $diffauthor="unknown";
$FmtV['$DiffChangeSum'] = PHSC(@$page["csum:$diffgmt"]);
$FmtV['$DiffHost'] = @$page["host:$diffgmt"];
$FmtV['$DiffUserAgent'] = PHSC(@$page["agent:$diffgmt"], ENT_QUOTES);
$FmtV['$DiffAuthor'] = $diffauthor;
$FmtV['$DiffId'] = $k;
$html = $DiffHTMLFunction($pagename, $v);
if ($html===false) continue;
echo FmtPageName($DiffStartFmt,$pagename);
echo $html;
echo FmtPageName($DiffEndFmt,$pagename);
echo FmtPageName($DiffRestoreFmt,$pagename);
$LinkFunctions = $lf;
# This function converts a single diff entry from the wikipage file
# into HTML, ready for display.
function DiffHTML($pagename, $diff) {
if (@$_REQUEST['nodiff']>'') return '';
global $FmtV, $DiffShow, $DiffAddFmt, $DiffDelFmt, $DiffEndDelAddFmt,
SDV($DiffRenderSourceFunction, 'DiffRenderSource');
$difflines = explode("\n",$diff."\n");
$in=array(); $out=array(); $dtype=''; $html = '';
foreach($difflines as $d) {
if ($d>'') {
if ($d[0]=='-' || $d[0]=='\\') continue;
if ($d[0]=='<') { $out[]=substr($d,2); continue; }
if ($d[0]=='>') { $in[]=substr($d,2); continue; }
if (preg_match("/^(\\d+)(,(\\d+))?([adc])(\\d+)(,(\\d+))?/",
$dtype,$match)) {
if (@$match[7]>'') {
} elseif ($match[3]>'') {
$lines='lines'; $count=$match[1].'-'.$match[3];
} else { $lines='line'; $count=$match[1]; }
if ($match[4]=='a' || $match[4]=='c') {
$txt = str_replace('line',$lines,$DiffDelFmt[$match[4]]);
$FmtV['$DiffLines'] = $count;
$html .= FmtPageName($txt,$pagename);
if ($DiffShow['source']=='y')
$html .= "
.$DiffRenderSourceFunction($in, $out, 0)
else $html .= MarkupToHTML($pagename,
preg_replace_callback('/\\(:.*?:\\)/',"cb_diffhtml", join("\n",$in)));
if ($match[4]=='d' || $match[4]=='c') {
$txt = str_replace('line',$lines,$DiffAddFmt[$match[4]]);
$FmtV['$DiffLines'] = $count;
$html .= FmtPageName($txt,$pagename);
if ($DiffShow['source']=='y')
$html .= "
.$DiffRenderSourceFunction($in, $out, 1)
else $html .= MarkupToHTML($pagename,
$html .= FmtPageName($DiffEndDelAddFmt,$pagename);
$in=array(); $out=array(); $dtype=$d;
return $html;
function cb_diffhtml($m) { return Keep(PHSC($m[0])); }
function HandleDiff($pagename, $auth='read') {
if (@$_GET['fmt'] == 'rclist') return HandleDiffList($pagename, $auth);
global $HandleDiffFmt, $PageStartFmt, $PageDiffFmt, $PageEndFmt;
$page = RetrieveAuthPage($pagename, $auth, true, READPAGE_CURRENT);
if (!$page) { Abort("?cannot diff $pagename"); }
PCache($pagename, $page);
", 'function:PrintDiff', '
function HandleDiffList($pagename, $auth='read') {
global $EnableDiffHidden, $Now, $Charset, $EnableLocalTimes, $EnableRCListLastEdit;
$days = floor($EnableLocalTimes/10);
if(!$days) $days = 3;
$since = $Now - $days*24*3600;
header("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=$Charset");
$page = RetrieveAuthPage($pagename, $auth, false);
if (!$page) {
print("$Now:[No permissions to diff page]");
krsort($page); reset($page);
$out = "";
$hide = IsEnabled($EnableDiffHidden, 0)? '' : '(?!hidden)';
$list = preg_grep("/^diff:(\\d+):\\d+:$hide\\w*$/", array_keys($page));
foreach($list as $v) {
list($key, $stamp) = explode(':', $v);
if ($stamp == $page['time'] && !IsEnabled($EnableRCListLastEdit, 0)) continue;
$author = @$page["author:$stamp"] ? $page["author:$stamp"] : '?';
$csum = strval(@$page["csum:$stamp"]);
$out .= "$stamp:".PHSC("$author: $csum")."\n";
if ($stamp<$since) break; # at least one after the 72 hours
## Functions for simple word-diff (written by Petko Yotov)
function DiffRenderSource($in, $out, $which) {
global $WordDiffFunction, $EnableDiffInline, $DiffPrepareInlineFunction;
SDV($DiffPrepareInlineFunction, 'DiffPrepareInline');
if (!IsEnabled($EnableDiffInline, 1)) {
$a = $which? $out : $in;
return str_replace("\n","
$countdifflines = abs(count($in)-count($out));
$lines = $cnt = $x2 = $y2 = array();
foreach($in as $line) {
$tmp = $DiffPrepareInlineFunction($line);
if (!$which) $cnt[] = array(count($x2), count($tmp));
$x2 = array_merge($x2, $tmp);
foreach($out as $line) {
$tmp = $DiffPrepareInlineFunction($line);
if ($which) $cnt[] = array(count($y2), count($tmp));
$y2 = array_merge($y2, $tmp);
$z = $WordDiffFunction(implode("\n", $x2), implode("\n", $y2));
array_unshift($x2, '');
array_unshift($y2, '');
$z2 = array_map('PHSC', ($which? $y2 : $x2));
foreach (explode("\n", $z) as $zz) {
if (preg_match('/^(\\d+)(,(\\d+))?([adc])(\\d+)(,(\\d+))?/',$zz,$m)) {
$a1 = $a2 = $m[1];
if (@$m[3]) $a2=$m[3];
$b1 = $b2 = $m[5];
if (@$m[7]) $b2=$m[7];
if (!$which && ($m[4]=='c'||$m[4]=='d')) {
$z2[$a1] = '
'. $z2[$a1];
$z2[$a2] .= '';
if ($which && ($m[4]=='c'||$m[4]=='a')) {
$z2[$b1] = '
$z2[$b2] .= '';
if ($m[4]=='c') {
$xx = PHSC(strval(@$x2[$a1]));
$yy = PHSC(strval(@$y2[$b1]));
$tmp = "
if (preg_match("/^([\x09\x20-\x7e]+).*\\1/", $tmp, $m)) {
if(!$which && @$z2[$a1]) $z2[$a1] = $m[1] . "" . substr($z2[$a1], strlen($m[1])+5);
if($which && @$z2[$b1]) $z2[$b1] = $m[1] . "" . substr($z2[$b1], strlen($m[1])+5);
$line = array_shift($z2);
$z2[0] = $line.@$z2[0];
foreach ($cnt as $a) $lines[] = implode('', array_slice($z2, $a[0], $a[1]));
$ret = implode("\n", $lines);
$ret = str_replace(array(' ', ' '), ' ', $ret);
$ret = preg_replace('/(<(ins|del)>|^) /', '$1 ', $ret);
$ret = preg_replace_callback('!<(ins|del)>(.*?)(\\1>|$)!s', 'cb_diffsplit', $ret);
$ret = str_replace(array(" ", "\n ", "\n"),array(" ", "
", "
return $ret;
## Keep closing tags on the same line they are opened
function cb_diffsplit($m) {
$tag = $m[1];
if ($m[2] === '') return '';
if (strpos($m[2], "\n")===false) return "<$tag>{$m[2]}$tag>";
$lines = explode("\n", $m[2]);
foreach ($lines as &$line) {
if ($line === '') continue;
$line = "<$tag>$line$tag>";
return implode("\n", $lines);
## Split a line into pieces before passing it through `diff`
function DiffPrepareInline($x) {
global $DiffSplitInlineDelims;
SDV($DiffSplitInlineDelims, "-@!?#$%^&*()=+[]{}.'\"\\:|,<>_/;~");
$quoted = preg_quote($DiffSplitInlineDelims, '/');
preg_match_all("/^\\s+|[$quoted]|[^$quoted\\s]+\\s*|\\s+/", $x, $m);
return $m[0];
SDV($WordDiffFunction, 'PHPDiff'); # faster than sysdiff for many calls
if (IsEnabled($EnableDiffInline, 1) && $DiffShow['source'] == 'y'
&& $WordDiffFunction == 'PHPDiff' && !function_exists('PHPDiff'))
## Show diff before the preview Cookbook:PreviewChanges
function PreviewDiff($pagename,&$page,&$new) {
global $FmtV, $DiffFunction, $DiffHTMLFunction, $EnableDiffInline, $DiffShow;
if (!@$_REQUEST['preview'] || !isset($page['text'])) return;
if ($page['text'] == $new['text']) {
$diff = '' . XL('No changes') . '
else {
$d = IsEnabled($DiffShow['source'], 'y');
$e = IsEnabled($EnableDiffInline, 1);
$DiffShow['source'] = 'y';
$EnableDiffInline = 1;
SDV($DiffHTMLFunction, 'DiffHTML');
$diff = $DiffFunction($new['text'], $page['text']);# reverse the diff
$diff = $DiffHTMLFunction($pagename, $diff);
$DiffShow['source'] = $d;
$EnableDiffInline = $e;
$FmtV['$PreviewText'] = $diff .'
' . @$FmtV['$PreviewText'];
if (IsEnabled($EnablePreviewChanges, 0) && @$_REQUEST['preview']>'') {
$EditFunctions[] = 'PreviewDiff';