version=pmwiki-2.2.145 ordered=1 urlencoded=1 author=simon charset=UTF-8 csum=http+s (+1) ctime=1276999784 name=PmWiki.ContactUs rev=29 targets=PmWiki.Download,PmWiki.Installation,PmWiki.MailingLists,PmWiki.HowToGetAssistance,PITS.PITS,PmWiki.Petko,PmWiki.PmWiki text=(:title Contact us:)(:Summary:How to reach the PmWiki developers and community:)%0a(:if expr equal "{$ScriptUrl}" "" || equal "{$ScriptUrl}" "" :)%0aThis page contains information about some ways to contact the developers of the PmWiki software.%0a%0a'''If you have an objection about the content on some website other than, please contact the owners of that website, not us.''' We only develop the PmWiki software which someone [[PmWiki:Download|downloaded]] and [[PmWiki:Installation|installed]] on their server.%0a%0a'''Questions about the software should be asked on the [[(https://)]] site "talk" pages or on our public [[(PmWiki:)mailing lists]].''' See also [[(PmWiki:)How To Get Assistance]].%0a%0a'''Bugs''' should be reported to our [[(PITS:)PITS]] issue tracking system, or on our public [[(PmWiki:)mailing lists]].%0a%0aFor '''security bug disclosures''' please [[|e-mail Petko with cc: to Pm]].%0a%0a%0aThe primary author of PmWiki is Dr. Patrick R. Michaud (Pm) who can be contacted at current core developer of PmWiki and webmaster of is [[PmWiki:Petko|Petko Yotov]] who can be contacted via e-mail at [[(mailto:)]]. If you need assistance with our software, please read [[(PmWiki:)How To Get Assistance]].%0a%0a(:else:)%0aThis website "{$WikiTitle}" is powered by the open source [[|PmWiki collaborative content management system]].%0a%0aTo contact the owners/editors of the "{$WikiTitle}" '''website''', look around starting at [[{$DefaultGroup}/]] or [[Path:/]]. Questions or objections about the website content should be directed to them.%0a%0aTo contact the developers and community publishing the PmWiki '''software''', please visit %0a%0a(:if:)%0a%0a %0a time=1641089448 title=Contact us