version=pmwiki-2.3.8 ordered=1 urlencoded=1 author=simon charset=UTF-8 csum=pm hlt, http+s (+58) name=PmWiki.Glossary rev=30 targets=PmWiki.LayoutVariables,PmWiki.PathVariables,PmWiki.WikiFarmTerminology text=(:Summary: Terms related to PmWiki:)%0a%0aThis page describes various terms related to PmWiki.%0a%0a:Author: Any user with privileges to write to the wiki.%0a%0a:Admin: The person (or people) who controls access to the wiki, configures the wiki, and generally is the person who installed the wiki.%0a%0a:Configuration file: A specially named PHP script file where local customizations can take place for a farm, a wiki, a group, or a page.%0a%0a:Default configuration: The way Pm has chosen to set all settings, or an individual setting, by default. For example, $EnablePathInfo is disabled by default. A wiki with no @@''local/config.php''@@ file is using the default configuration. Likewise, a farm that only defines $FarmPubDirUrl in @@''farmconfig.php''@@ is using the default configuration.%0a%0a[[#farm]]%0a:Farm: A group of wikis that share code. Content and formats may or may not be shared. For more farm-related terms, including several which have been deprecated, see [[Wiki Farm Terminology]]%0a%0a:Farm-wide configuration file: A WikiFarm's @@''local/farmconfig.php''@@ file, where any settings (besides $FarmPubDirUrl) customize the default configuration for all of the wikis in a farm.%0a%0a:Full page name: The ''full page name'' consists of a group and a name, e.g. %25pmhlt%25[@Main.WikiSandbox@]. The variable for the full page name is [@{$FullName}@], which for this page is @@{$FullName}@@. Similarly, the variable for the group is [@{$Group}@] which here is @@{$Group}@@.%0a%0a:Group: A collection of associated wiki pages; by default this appears in the page name as @@"Group.PageName"@@. Attributes can be set on all pages in the group simultaneously. The variable for the group is %25pmhlt%25[@{$Group}@], which here is @@{$Group}@@.%0a%0a:Local configuration file: A specially named PHP script where local customizations can take place for an individual wiki. For an entire wiki it's named @@''local/config.php''@@. Individual groups and pages can also have their own local configuration files.%0a%0a:Local customization: Any deviation from the default configuration. A related phrase is "farm-wide customization".%0a%0a:Page file name: The ''page file name'' is the name of the file that normally stores the data of a page in the directory [@wiki.d/@]. This file name is normally built directly from the page name.%0a%0a:Page link: A ''page link'' is something that is used to generate a link to a page. For example, the markup %25pmhlt%25[@[[wiki sandbox]]@], [@[[(wiki) sandbox]]@], [@WikiSandbox@], [@Main/WikiSandbox@], [@[[Main/wiki sandbox]]@], [@[[Main.WikiSandbox | click here]]@], etc all specify a link to the page '[@Main.WikiSandbox@]'. In each case PmWiki uses the context of the link to generate a page name from the page link -- normally by capitalizing each word found in the link and stripping any characters that aren't considered valid in page names.%0a%0a:Page name: The ''page name'' is a string that PmWiki uses to refer to a page - i.e. it ''names the page''. This could also be considered a ''handle'' for the page. The variable for the page name is simply called %25pmhlt%25[@{$Name}@], which for this page is @@{$Name}@@.%0a-> Note that there is no whitespace in page names, and by default PmWiki capitalizes each word in a page's name. There is however a variable %25pmhlt%25[@{$Namespaced}@] where spaces have been inserted, e.g. for the page [@WikiSandbox@] this variable would be [@Wiki Sandbox@].%0a-> Note that PmWiki also uses the page name to locate per-group and per-page customization files in the [@local/@] subdirectory. For example, browsing [@Main.WikiSandbox@] would cause [@local/Main.WikiSandbox.php@] and [@local/Main.php@] to be loaded if these files existed.%0a%0a:Page title: A ''page title'' is the title element of a page, i.e. what is usually shown above the page and in the browser window's name. This title is normally set via the directive %25pmhlt%25[@(:title:)@], but if no such directive is given the title will be automatically generated from the page name. The title of a page is accessed via either the variable [@{$Title}@] or the variable [@{$Titlespaced}@]. The latter differs in that it uses the spaced version of the name.%0a%0a:Page URI: Page names are used in `URIs to tell PmWiki which page is to be loaded or acted upon. The normal form of a page URI is usually one of these two%0a--> [@]%0a--> [@]%0a-> Note that various aliasing and rewriting tricks can be used to modify this, but PmWiki expects to obtain a page name from the parameter 'n' or from the [@PATH_INFO@] component following the URI of the script ([@pmwiki.php@]).%0a-> Note that the parameter 'n' takes precedence over [@PATH_INFO@] if both are available.%0a%0a:Wikifarm:Synonymous for "[[#farm | farm]]".%0a%0a time=1660025044