version=pmwiki-2.3.32 ordered=1 urlencoded=1 author=Petko charset=UTF-8 csum=mv Q to talk (-345) description=PmWiki Page Directives keywords=description, keywords, markup, header, redirect name=PmWiki.PageDirectives rev=130 targets=PmWiki.Uploads,PmWiki.GroupHeaders,PmWiki.UploadsAdmin,PmWiki.UploadVariables,PmWiki.BasicVariables,PmWiki.LayoutVariables,PmWiki.Skins,PmWiki.Links,PmWiki.IncludeOtherPages,PmWiki.LinkVariables,PmWiki.TableOfContents,PmWiki.PageListTemplates,PmWiki.PageTextVariables text=(:description PmWiki Page Directives:)(:Summary: Directives to specify page titles, descriptions, keywords, and display:)(:Keywords description, keywords, markup, header, redirect:)%0aPmWiki uses a number of directives to specify page titles, descriptions, page keywords, and control the display of various components.%0aDirective keywords are not case sensitive, e.g. Description, description, and DESCRIPTION are equivalent.%0a%0a[[#attachlist]]%0a:%25pmhlt%25[@(:attachlist:)@]:%0a->Shows a list of attachments of the current group or page, depending on whether attachments are organised per group or per page. The attachlist is displayed at the foot of the [[uploads]] page form.%0a->The parameter to %25pmhlt%25[@(:attachlist:)@] always resolves to a pagename. The directive then displays all of the attachments currently available for that page.%0a%0a::Options: %25pmhlt%25[@(:attachlist NAME:)@] shows a list of attachments of the group or page NAME. %0a-->%25pmhlt%25[@(:attachlist {*$Name}:)@] shows a list of attachments of the current page or group. (useful for making a [[GroupHeaders|Group Headers or Footers]] in a case of [[UploadsAdmin#pageprefix|per-page attachments]])%0a-->%25pmhlt%25[@(:attachlist ext=xxx,yyy:)@] comma separated extension patterns for filtering by type of file (case insensitive). %0a-->%25pmhlt%25[@(:attachlist names=*.jpg,*.pdf,-private*.jpg:)@] comma separated filename patterns for filtering by file name (case insensitive).%0a-->%25pmhlt%25[@(:attachlist *:)@] shows the uploads directory and permits browsing of all uploaded files by directory if your server configuration allows automatic file listings (''will not work if $EnableDirectDownload is set to 0'').%0a%0a[[#description]]%0a:%25pmhlt%25[@(:description text:)@]:Descriptive text associated with the page. (Generates a %25hlt hmtl%25[@%3cmeta name='description' content='...' />@] element in the page output.)%0a%0a[[#keywords]]%0a:%25pmhlt%25[@(:keywords word1, word2, ...:)@]:Identifies keywords associated with the page. These are not displayed anywhere, but are useful to help search engines locate the page. (Essentially, this generates a %25hlt html%25[@%3cmeta name='keywords' content='...' />@] element in the output.)%0a%0a[[#linebreaks]]%0a:%25pmhlt%25[@(:linebreaks:)@], [@(:nolinebreaks:)@]: Honors any newlines in the markup; i.e., text entered on separate lines in the markup will appear as separate lines in the output. Use [@(:nolinebreaks:)@] to cause text lines to automatically join again.%0a%0a[[#linkwikiwords]]%0a:%25pmhlt%25[@(:linkwikiwords:), (:nolinkwikiwords:)@]: Enables/disables WikiWord links in text. Note, this setting requires WikiWords to be enabled, see $EnableWikiWords. See also $LinkWikiWords.%0a%0a[[#markup]]%0a:%25pmhlt%25[@(:markup:) ... (:markupend:)@] or @@[=(:markup:)=][@[=...=]@]@@: Can be used for markup examples, showing first the markup and then the result of the markup. %0a%0a::Options: %25pmhlt%25[@(:markup class=horiz:)@] will show the markup side by side instead of one upon the other.%0a-->%25pmhlt%25[@(:markup class=norender:)@] will show only the markup not the result.%0a-->%25pmhlt%25[@(:markup caption='...':)@] adds a caption to the markup example.%0a-->%25pmhlt%25[@(:markupend:)@] is not required when using @@[=(:markup:)=][@[=...=]@]@@.%0a%0a->%25pmhlt%25''Note'' that the placement of newlines is very important for this markup. If you are using the [@[=...=]@] option then the opening [@[=@] MUST occur on the same line as the [@(:markup:)@]. If you are using the full [@(:markup:) ... (:markupend:)@] form then your markup code must appear AFTER a newline after the initial [@(:markup:)@].%0a%0a[[#message]]%0a:%25pmhlt%25[@(:messages:)@]: Displays [[PmWiki/LayoutVariables#MessagesFmt|messages]] from PmWiki or recipes, for instance from editing pages.%0a%0a%0a[[#noaction]]%0a:%25pmhlt%25[@(:noaction:)@]: Turns off the section of the skin marked by %25hlt html%25[@%3c!--PageActionFmt-->@] thru [@%3c!--/PageActionFmt-->@]. In the PmWiki skin, this turns off the display of the actions at the top-right of the page (other skins may locate the actions in other locations). The actions at the bottom of the page are still available.%0a%0a[[#nogroupheader]]%0a:%25pmhlt%25[@(:nogroupheader:)@]:%0a:%25pmhlt%25[@(:nogroupfooter:)@]: Turns off any groupheader or groupfooter for the page. (See [[GroupHeaders]].)%0a%0a[[#noheader]]%0a:%25pmhlt%25[@(:noheader:), (:nofooter:)@]: %0a:%25pmhlt%25[@(:noleft:), (:noright:), (:notitle:)@]: If supported by the [[skin(s)]], each of these turns off the corresponding portion of the page.%0a%0a[[#redirect]]%0a:%25pmhlt%25[@(:redirect PageName:)@]: Redirects to another wiki page.%0a:%25pmhlt%25[@(:redirect PageName#anchor:)@]: Redirects to an [[PmWiki/Links#anchors|anchor]] within a page%0a:%25pmhlt%25[@(:redirect PageName status=301 from=name quiet=1:)@]:Redirects the browser to another page, along with a redirect message. For security reasons this only redirects to other pages within the wiki and does not redirect to external urls. The [@status=@] option can be used to return a different HTTP status code as part of the redirect. The [@from=@] option limits redirects to occurring only on pages matching the wildcarded ''name'' (helpful when %25pmhlt%25[@(:redirect:)@] is in [[include other pages|another page]]). The [@quiet=1@] option allows the target page not to display a link back to the original page ($EnableRedirectQuiet variable should be set to 1).%0a%0a[[#spacewikiwords]]%0a:%25pmhlt%25[@(:spacewikiwords:), (:nospacewikiwords:)@]:%0a->Enables/disables automatic spacing of WikiWords in text.%0a%0a[[#title]]%0a:%25pmhlt%25[@(:title text:)@]: Sets a page's title to be something other than the page's name. The title text can contain apostrophes and other special characters. If there are multiple titles in a page, the last one encountered wins (see also $EnablePageTitlePriority about how to change it).%0a%0a:%25pmhlt%25[@(:toc:)@], [@(:notoc:)@]: Override the default table of contents settings. This directive requires a corresponding configuration of the wiki, see [[Table of contents]] '-{TableOfContents$:Summary}-'%0a%0a[[#summary]]%0a:%25pmhlt%25@@[=(:Summary=][=:text:)=]@@: Sets a page's summary. Used in some of the default [[PageList Templates]]. Note, this is a [[PageTextVariable(s)]] and unlike core page directives it is case sensitive.%0a%0a>>faq%3c%3c [[#faq]]%0aQ: Can I get %25pmhlt%25[@(:redirect:)@] to return a "moved permanently" (HTTP 301) status code?%0aA: Use %25pmhlt%25[@(:redirect PageName status=301:)@].%0a%0aQ: Is there any way to prevent the "redirected from" message from showing at the top of the target page when I use %25pmhlt%25[@(:redirect:)@]?%0aA: From version 2.2.1 on, set in @@config.php@@ @@$EnableRedirectQuiet=1;@@ and in the page %25pmhlt%25[@(:redirect OtherPage quiet=1:)@] for a quiet redirect.%0a%0aQ: Is there any method for redirecting to the equivalent page in a different group, i.e. from BadGroup/thispage => GoodGroup/thispage using similar markup to (:redirect Goodgroup.{Name}:)?%0aA:%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@(:redirect Goodgroup.{$Name}:)@] works if you want to put it in one page. %0a%0a->If you want it to work for the entire group, put %25pmhlt%25[@(:redirect Goodgroup.{*$Name}:)@] into @@Badgroup.GroupHeader@@ - however, that only works with pages that really exist in @@Goodgroup@@; if you visit a page in @@Badgroup@@ without a corresponding page of the same name in @@Goodgroup@@, instead of being redirected to a nonexistant page, you get the redirect Directive at the top of the page.%0a%0a->With %25pmhlt%25[@(:if exists Goodgroup.{*$Name}:)(:redirect Goodgroup.{*$Name}:)(:ifend:)@] in @@Badgroup.GroupHeader@@ you get redirected to @@Goodgroup.Name@@ if it exists, otherwise you get @@Badgroup.Name@@ without the bit of code displayed.%0a%0aQ: How can a wiki enable linebreaks by default, i.e. without having the directive %25pmhlt%25[@(:linebreaks:)@] in a page or in a GroupHeader?%0aA: Add to @@config.php@@ such a line:\\%0a%25hlt php%25[@$HTMLPNewline = '%3cbr/>';@]%0a time=1713561846