version=pmwiki-2.3.15 ordered=1 urlencoded=1 author=Petko charset=UTF-8 csum=rframe font-size=smaller clear=right (+12) name=PmWiki.Variables rev=98 targets=PmWiki.LocalCustomizations,PmWiki.BasicVariables,PmWiki.DebugVariables,PmWiki.EditVariables,PmWiki.I18nVariables,PmWiki.LayoutVariables,PmWiki.LinkVariables,PmWiki.OtherVariables,PmWiki.PagelistVariables,PmWiki.PageLists,PmWiki.PathVariables,PmWiki.SecurityVariables,PmWiki.UploadVariables,PmWiki.Blocklist,PmWiki.Notify,PmWiki.PageVariables,PmWiki.PageTextVariables,PmWiki.Functions,PmWiki.MarkupExpressions,Category.PmWikiDeveloper,!PmWikiDeveloper text=(:Summary:Variables available for local customisation:)%0a(:Audience: administrators (basic) :)%0a[[%3c%3c]]%0a>>rframe font-size=smaller clear=right%3c%3c%0a[[#index]]%0a!! List of documented PHP variables%0a(:varindex:)%0a[[#indexend]]%0a>>%3c%3c%0a%0aThis page documents the PHP variables available in PmWiki for [[local customizations]]. Much of this documentation is still incomplete but people are working on it now. Feel free to add placeholders for variables you want to have documented if you don't know what the variable does.%0a%0aThe variables documentation is divided into several pages:%0a%0a* [[Basic Variables]] - {BasicVariables$:Summary}%0a* [[Debug Variables]] - {DebugVariables$:Summary}%0a* [[Edit Variables]] - {EditVariables$:Summary}%0a* [[I18n Variables]] - {I18nVariables$:Summary}%0a* [[Layout Variables]] - {LayoutVariables$:Summary}%0a* [[Link Variables]] - {LinkVariables$:Summary}%0a* [[Other Variables]] - {OtherVariables$:Summary}%0a* [[Pagelist Variables]] - {PagelistVariables$:Summary}%0a* [[Path Variables]] - {PathVariables$:Summary}%0a* [[Security Variables]] - {SecurityVariables$:Summary}%0a* [[Upload Variables]] - {UploadVariables$:Summary}%0a%0aThe following functions are also controlled by several variables:%0a* [[Blocklist(#variables)]] - {Blocklist$:Summary}%0a* [[Notify(#variables)]] - {Notify$:Summary}%0a* [[Basic Variables]] %25item comment%25 to provide circular trail%0a%0aThe following variables are used in page markup.%0a* [[Page Variables]] - {PageVariables$:Summary}%0a* [[Page TextVariables]] - {PageTextVariables$:Summary}%0a%0a%0aAn complete index of documented PHP variables is given below.%0a%0aIn general, variables with names ending in '@@Fmt@@' (such as @@$PageLayoutFmt@@) have their values processed for @@$-variable@@ substitutions prior to being output. Thus strings such as %25pmhlt%25[@{$Name}@] and [@{$PageUrl}@] are replaced with the name and URL of the page when the string is printed.%0a%0aNote: The automatic variable index and link generation is done by @@scripts/vardoc.php@@ using @@$VarPagesFmt@@ to find the pages containing trails of pages with the variable documentation.%0a%0aThere is a slight discrepancy between index generation and link generation: The index generation finds lines starting with a colon followed by "@@$@@" and an uppercase word. In contrast, the automatic link generation works only with WikiWords (@@$WikiWordPattern@@) preceded with "$". Therefore all "non WikiWord" variables are shown as link only in the list below, but not elsewhere in PmWiki, as @@$XL@@. 'Author', 'Skin', 'pagename' and 'Version' (preceded with a $-sign) are handled correctly.%0a%0a!!See Also%0a%0a* %25%25 [[PmWiki/Functions]] - {Functions$:Summary} (:comment why? Could be removed IMO --OliverBetz:)%0a* [[Markup Expressions]] -{MarkupExpressions$:Summary}%0a%0aCategories: [[!PmWiki Developer]] time=1669297541