version=pmwiki-2.3.17 ordered=1 urlencoded=1 author=simon charset=UTF-8 csum=hlt php, remove ref to IE, add links (+44) name=Site.Preferences rev=36 targets=PmWiki.AccessKeys,Site.Preferences,Cookbook.UserConfigurations text=(:Summary: Preferences for [[PmWiki/access keys]] and edit form:)%0aPreferences for [[PmWiki/access keys]] and edit form%0a%0aThis page can be used as template for (personal) preferences, or set as default site preference (see below).%0a%0a->%25hlt php%25[@%0a # Access keys - hold Alt (Windows Edge), Shift + Alt (Firefox)%0a # or Control (Mac) and tap the indicated key on your keyboard%0a # to trigger the corresponding action.%0a# 'ak_view' => '' , # view page%0a 'ak_edit' => 'e', # edit page%0a 'ak_history' => 'h', # page history%0a# 'ak_print' => '', # print view of page%0a 'ak_recentchanges' => 'c', # Recent Changes%0a 'ak_save' => 's', # save page%0a 'ak_saveedit' => 'u', # save and keep editing%0a 'ak_savedraft' => 'd', # save as draft%0a 'ak_preview' => 'p', # preview page%0a 'ak_textedit' => ',' # focus to edit textarea (at the end)%0a 'ak_em' => 'i', # emphasized text (italic)%0a 'ak_strong' => 'b', # strong text (bold)%0a%0a# 'ak_attach' => '', # attach a file%0a# 'ak_backlinks' => '', # show backlinks%0a# 'ak_logout' => '', # log out%0a%0a # Editing components%0a 'e_rows' => '20', # rows in edit textarea%0a 'e_cols' => '70', # columns in edit textarea%0a 'Site.EditForm' => 'Site.EditForm' # location of EditForm%0a @]%0a%0aTo create personal user (browser) preferences,%0a* make a copy of [[{$FullName}?action=source | this page]] somewhere, preferably as @@Profiles.''%25green%25insert_your_name_here%25%25''-Preferences@@%0a* edit that new page with your new preferred settings,%0a* select [[{$FullName}?setprefs={$FullName} | Set Preferences of this Page]] from the new page containing your newly created settings. %0a-> This sets a preference cookie on your browser which tells PmWiki where to find your personal preference settings.%0a%0aTo revert to the PmWiki default preferences%0a* select [[{$Name}?setprefs=| Revert to PmWiki Default Preferences]] to unset the preference cookie%0a%0aSee also [[Cookbook:UserConfigurations]] about how to customise the edit form for personal use.%0a%0a%0aNote that by default, parsing of {$FullName} is disabled. To make it the default site preference, add%0a-> %25hlt php%25 @@ XLPage('prefs', "Site.Preferences");@@%0ato a config file (e.g. @@local/config.php@@).%0a%0aTo disable user preferences entirely set %25hlt php%25 @@$EnablePrefs = 0;@@%0a%0aSee %0a* [[Windows access keys ->]]%0a* [[Keyboard shorts in Edge ->]]%0a* [[Firefox accessibility ->]]%0a* [[Mac keyboard shortcuts ->]] time=1673149736