version=pmwiki-2.3.29 ordered=1 urlencoded=1 author=Petko charset=UTF-8 csum=class=frame to work with dark theme (-117) name=Site.UploadQuickReference rev=30 targets=Site.RecentUploads,PmWiki.Uploads,Site.UploadQuickReference text=(:Summary:Quick reference for [[PmWiki/uploads|uploading]] pages:)%0a[[#quickreference]]%0a>>frame quickref font-size:smaller%3c%3c%0a(:if exists {*$Group}.RecentUploads:)%0a%25rfloat newwin%25[[{*$Group}.RecentUploads|Recent uploads]] to {*$Group} `WikiGroup%0a(:ifend:)%0a'''%25newwin%25[[PmWiki/Uploads]]'''%0a%0a# Use the button above to find the "File to upload" on your local computer.%0a%0a# For the "Name attachment as:" field, enter the name you prefer the file to have once it has been uploaded to the site.\\%0aThis can be the same as its filename on your source disk ''or it can be different'', but '''make sure it has the correct file extension'''.%0a%0a# Press "$[Upload]" to upload the file.%0a%0a# To refer to an attachment within a wiki page in this {*$Group} `WikiGroup, simply enter @@[=Attach:=]''filename.ext''@@ in the page text.%0a%0a# After uploading, you can %0a** %25item rel=nofollow class=browse%25 [[{*$FullName}?action=browse | $[View] the {*$Name} page]] or%0a** %25item rel=nofollow class=edit%25 [[{*$FullName}?action=edit | $[Edit] the {*$Name} page]] or%0a** Scroll down to view the list of files that have been uploaded to the {*$Group} wiki group.%0a>>%3c%3c%0a[[#quickreferenceend]]%0a%0a----%0a%0a!! Existing uploads%0a>>font-size:smaller%3c%3c%0a(:attachlist:)%0a>>%3c%3c time=1704830871