path: root/apps/web/controllers/api/Rss.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/web/controllers/api/Rss.php')
1 files changed, 610 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apps/web/controllers/api/Rss.php b/apps/web/controllers/api/Rss.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..021ef85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/web/controllers/api/Rss.php
@@ -0,0 +1,610 @@
+defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
+// This can be removed if you use __autoload() in config.php OR use Modular Extensions
+require APPPATH . '/libraries/REST_Controller.php';
+ * Rest Server for Newsbeuter RSS Feeds application.
+ * This is user interaction rest/api methods to get
+ * RSS feeds item/info and meta from newsbeuter database and related files.
+ *
+ * @package CodeIgniter
+ * @subpackage Controller
+ * @category Controller
+ * @author V.Krishn
+ * @license MIT
+ * @link https://github.com/insteps/nbreader
+ */
+class Rss extends REST_Controller {
+ //protected $newsbeuter = array();
+ /**
+ * Constructor for the REST API
+ *
+ * @access public
+ *
+ */
+ public function __construct()
+ {
+ // Construct the parent class
+ parent::__construct();
+ // Configure limits on our controller methods # TODO
+ // Ensure you have created the 'limits' table and enabled 'limits'
+ // within application/config/rest.php
+ //$this->methods['item_get']['limit'] = 500; //500 requests per hour per user/key
+ //$this->methods['appdb_get']['limit'] = 100; //100 requests per hour per user/key
+ //$this->methods['user_delete']['limit'] = 50; //50 requests per hour per user/key
+ # newsbeuter load config
+ $this->load->config('newsbeuter', TRUE);
+ $c = $this->config->item('newsbeuter');
+ # newsbeuter set db
+ $db = $c['newsbeuter']['db'];
+ $dbpath = $c['newsbeuter']['be']['dbpath'];
+ # check get/request
+ $dbname = $this->get('cat');
+ $this->load->library('newsbeuter');
+ $class = $this->uri->rsegment(2, 0);
+ if ($class == 'appdb' || $class == 'icon')
+ {
+ # test
+ if ( file_exists($c['newsbeuter']['be']['confdb']) )
+ {
+ $this->load->database($c['newsbeuter']['be']['db']);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->response(['error' => 'Invalid App db'], 404);
+ }
+ $this->load->database($db);
+ }
+ if ($class == 'urls' || $class == 'feed'
+ || $class == 'item' || $class == 'count'
+ || $class == 'unread_'
+ )
+ {
+ # verify valid/active dbname
+ if ($this->_check_valid_dbname($dbname)
+ && file_exists($dbpath."/$dbname.loc.db")
+ )
+ {
+ $db['database'] = $dbpath."/$dbname.loc.db";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( $class == 'index' )
+ {
+ $this->response(['error' => 'Invalid method'], 404);
+ }
+ $this->response(['error' => 'Invalid category'], 404);
+ }
+ $this->load->database($db);
+ }
+ //$this->load->database($db);
+ }
+ public function version_get()
+ {
+ ## Api urls example (api baseurl: http://localhost/nbreader/api/rss)
+ # (read contents of VERSION)
+ #
+ # /version :
+ # version = Method/Function call (get application version)
+ #
+ $data = array();
+ $data['version'] = $this->newsbeuter->get_version();
+ if ($data)
+ {
+ $this->response($data, 200);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->response(['error' => 'Version file not found'], 404);
+ }
+ }
+ public function about_get() //OR apimeta_get ?
+ {
+ $data = array();
+ $data['version'] = $this->newsbeuter->get_version();
+ $data['backend'] = 'newsbeuter';
+ $data['apiurl'] = $this->newsbeuter->get_rss_api_url();
+ $data['feedsurl'] = $this->newsbeuter->get_local_feed_baseurl();
+ $data['lastfetch'] = '';
+ if ($data)
+ {
+ $this->response($data, 200);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->response(['error' => 'Version file not found'], 404);
+ }
+ }
+ public function template_get()
+ {
+ }
+ public function category_get()
+ {
+ ## Api urls example (api baseurl: http://localhost/nbreader/api/rss)
+ # (read contents of config/dbname)
+ #
+ # /category :
+ # category = Method/Function call (get list of databases i.e. dbnames)
+ #
+ $data = array();
+ $this->load->library('newsbeuter');
+ $data['category'] = $this->newsbeuter->get_local_catogory();
+ $data['backend'] = 'newsbeuter';
+ if ($data['category'])
+ {
+ $this->response($data, 200); // 200 being the HTTP response code
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->response(['error' => 'Category list not found'], 404);
+ }
+ }
+ public function urls_get()
+ {
+ ## Api urls example (api baseurl: http://localhost/nbreader/api/rss)
+ # (read contents of config/url.local/<dbname>)
+ #
+ # /urls/cat/dev :
+ # urls = Method/Function call
+ # cat/<dbname> = Load category/database named <dbname>
+ #
+ $data['dbname'] = $this->get('cat');
+ $data['feedurls'] = $this->newsbeuter->get_local_feed_urls($data['dbname']);
+ $data['backend'] = 'newsbeuter';
+ if ($data['feedurls'])
+ {
+ $this->response($data, 200); // 200 being the HTTP response code
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->response(['error' => 'Feed urls could not be found'], 404);
+ }
+ }
+ public function appdb_get() # TODO
+ {
+ ## Api urls example (api baseurl: http://localhost/nbreader/api/rss)
+ # (get from database config/urls.db)
+ #
+ # /appdb/hash/<sha1sum>/cat/dev/tags/news~bbc.co.uk :
+ # appdb = Method/Function call
+ # hash/<sha1sum> = Fetch rss item by hash (filter records by hash)
+ # cat/<dbname> = Load category/database named <dbname>
+ # tags/<rss category> = Rss category (`~` as separator)
+ #
+ $this->load->model('newsbeuter/Newsbeuter_rss_url_model', 'rss_url');
+ $search_options = array();
+ $dbname = trim($this->get('cat'));
+ $tags = trim($this->get('tags'));
+ $tags = '/'.str_replace('~', '/', $tags);
+ $tags = preg_replace('#/+#', '/', $tags);
+ $tags = rtrim($tags, '/');
+ $limit = 1;
+ if ( $this->get('hash') && strlen($this->get('hash')) >= 20 )
+ {
+ $hash = $this->get('hash');
+ $search_options['sha1sum'] = $hash;
+ $limit = 1;
+ } else {
+ if( $dbname !== '' ) {
+ $search_options['dbname'] = $dbname;
+ $limit = 10; # TODO
+ }
+ if( $tags !== '' ) {
+ $search_options['tags'] = $tags;
+ $limit = 0; //no limit, get all by tags
+ }
+ }
+ $data = $this->rss_url->get_rss_url($search_options, $limit, 0, 0);
+ $data['backend'] = 'newsbeuter';
+ if ($data)
+ {
+ $this->response($data, 200); // 200 being the HTTP response code
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->response(['error' => 'Rss feed info not found'], 404);
+ }
+ }
+ public function feed_get()
+ {
+ ## Api urls example (api baseurl: http://localhost/nbreader/api/rss)
+ #
+ # /feed/cat/dev/row/<limit>-<offset>/hash/<sha1sum> :
+ # feed = Method/Function call
+ # cat/<dbname> = Load category/database named <dbname>
+ # row/<limit>-<offset> = Fetch number of rows = <limit> starting at <offset>
+ # hash/<sha1sum> = Fetch rss feeds list (with hash row values has no effect)
+ #
+ $this->load->model('newsbeuter/newsbeuter_rss_feed_model', 'rssfeed');
+ $data['dbname'] = $this->get('cat');
+ $data['feedsurl'] = $this->newsbeuter->get_local_feed_baseurl();
+ $search_options = array();
+ $search_options['id'] = NULL; //there is not 'id'
+ # add feedurl search_options, sha1sum eg. ffb1840d0a0c9bc303887e26277d7e28f7f31cad
+ if ( $this->get('hash') && strlen($this->get('hash')) >= 20 )
+ {
+ $feedurl = $this->get('hash');
+ $feedurl = $data['feedsurl'] .'/'. $feedurl[0] .'/'. $feedurl[0].$feedurl[1] .'/'. $feedurl . '.xml';
+ $search_options['rssurl'] = $feedurl;
+ $rec = explode('-', '0-0-0');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $rec = ($this->get('row')) ? explode('-', $this->get('row').'-0-0') : explode('-', '0-0-0');
+ }
+ $limit = ((int)$rec[0] >= 1) ? (int)$rec[0] : 0;
+ $offset = ((int)$rec[1] >= 1) ? (int)$rec[1] : 0;
+ $total_rows = ((int)$rec[2] >= 1) ? (int)$rec[2] : 0;
+ $data['query'] = $this->rssfeed->get_rss_feed($search_options, $limit, $offset, $total_rows);
+ $data['backend'] = 'newsbeuter';
+ if ($data)
+ {
+ $this->response($data, 200); // 200 being the HTTP response code
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->response(['error' => 'Feed item could not be found'], 404);
+ }
+ }
+ public function item_get()
+ {
+ ## Api urls example (api baseurl: http://localhost/nbreader/api/rss)
+ #
+ # /item/cat/dev/row/<limit>-<offset>/id/<idnum> :
+ # item = Method/Function call
+ # cat/<dbname> = Load category/database named <dbname>
+ # row/<limit>-<offset> = Fetch number of rows = <limit> starting at <offset>
+ # id/<idnum> = Fetch rss item by id (with id row values has no effect)
+ # hash/<sha1sum> = Fetch rss item by hash (filter records by hash)
+ # filter/<default> = Apply security filter on articles
+ # unread = yes|no (show list that is read or unread)
+ #
+ $this->load->model('newsbeuter/newsbeuter_rss_item_model', 'rss_item');
+ $data['dbname'] = $this->get('cat');
+ $data['feedsurl'] = $this->newsbeuter->get_local_feed_baseurl();
+ $search_options = array();
+ if ( (int)$this->get('id') >= 1 )
+ {
+ $search_options['id'] = (int)$this->get('id');
+ $rec = explode('-', '0-0-0');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $rec = ($this->get('row')) ? explode('-', $this->get('row').'-0-0') : explode('-', '0-0-0');
+ }
+ $limit = ((int)$rec[0] >= 1) ? (int)$rec[0] : 1; // minimum 1 latest record
+ $limit = ($limit >= 10) ? 10 : $limit; // maxlimit=10 records
+ $offset = ((int)$rec[1] >= 1) ? (int)$rec[1] : 0;
+ $total_rows = ((int)$rec[2] >= 1) ? (int)$rec[2] : 0;
+ # add feedurl search_options for sha1sum
+ # eg. ffb1840d0a0c9bc303887e26277d7e28f7f31cad
+ # you need to know the corrent dbname for sha1sum
+ if ( $this->get('hash') && strlen($this->get('hash')) >= 20 )
+ {
+ $feedurl = $this->get('hash');
+ $feedurl = $data['feedsurl'] .'/'. $feedurl[0] .'/'. $feedurl[0].$feedurl[1] .'/'. $feedurl . '.xml';
+ $search_options['feedurl'] = $feedurl;
+ ## get items count all by feedurl/hash
+ $_d = $this->rss_item->get_rss_item_count($search_options);
+ $data['count'] = $_d[$feedurl]['count'];
+ ## get items count unread by feedurl/hash
+ $search_options['unread'] = '1';
+ $_d = $this->rss_item->get_rss_item_count($search_options);
+ $data['count_unread'] = @$_d[$feedurl]['count'] ? $_d[$feedurl]['count'] : 0;
+ unset($search_options['unread']);
+ }
+ ## Security/DNT related filter on RSS contents/text
+ ## Experimental and may change in future
+ if($this->get('filter'))
+ {
+ $search_options['filter'] = array();
+ $temp = explode('~', $this->get('filter'));
+ foreach($temp as $v)
+ {
+ $search_options['filter'][$v] = 'yes';
+ }
+ }
+ $search_options['order_by'] = 'pubDate DESC';
+ if($this->get('orderby'))
+ {
+ $search_options['order_by'] = str_replace('~', ' ', $this->get('orderby'));
+ }
+ $unread = strtolower($this->get('unread'));
+ if($unread == 'yes' || $unread == 'no')
+ {
+ $search_options['unread'] = ($unread == 'yes') ? '1' : '0';
+ }
+ $data['query'] = $this->rss_item->get_rss_item($search_options, $limit, $offset, $total_rows);
+ $data['backend'] = 'newsbeuter';
+ if ($data)
+ {
+ $this->response($data, 200); // 200 being the HTTP response code
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->response(['error' => 'Rss item not found'], 404);
+ }
+ }
+ public function count_get()
+ {
+ ## Api urls example (api baseurl: http://localhost/nbreader/api/rss)
+ #
+ # /count/cat/dev/unread/yes :
+ # count = Method/Function call
+ # cat/<dbname> = Load category/database named <dbname>
+ # unread = yes|no (show list that is read or unread)
+ #
+ $this->load->model('newsbeuter/newsbeuter_rss_item_model', 'rss_item');
+ $data['dbname'] = $this->get('cat');
+ $data['feedsurl'] = $this->newsbeuter->get_local_feed_baseurl();
+ $search_options = array();
+ $unread = strtolower($this->get('unread'));
+ if($unread == 'yes' || $unread == 'no')
+ {
+ $search_options['unread'] = ($unread == 'yes') ? '1' : '0';
+ }
+ # add feedurl search_options, sha1sum eg. ffb1840d0a0c9bc303887e26277d7e28f7f31cad
+ if ( $this->get('hash') && strlen($this->get('hash')) >= 20 )
+ {
+ $feedurl = $this->get('hash');
+ $feedurl = $data['feedsurl'] .'/'. $feedurl[0] .'/'. $feedurl[0].$feedurl[1] .'/'. $feedurl . '.xml';
+ $search_options['feedurl'] = $feedurl;
+ # feedurl + count ONE /unread/read
+ $data['query'] = $this->rss_item->get_rss_item_count($search_options);
+ } else {
+ # bygroup feedurl + count ALL /unread/read
+ // $data['query'] = $this->rss_item->get_count($search_options); //slow
+ $data['query'] = $this->rss_item->get_rss_item_count($search_options);
+ }
+ $data['backend'] = 'newsbeuter';
+ if ($data)
+ {
+ $this->response($data, 200); // 200 being the HTTP response code
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->response(['error' => 'Feed item could not be found'], 404);
+ }
+ }
+ # Get feed/rss url's meta/info
+ # eg. title, url, rssurl(this is id) (for node)
+ # from <dbname> table->rss_feed
+ public function meta_get()
+ {
+ ## Api urls example (api baseurl: http://localhost/nbreader/api/rss)
+ #
+ # /meta/cat/dev/tag/<tag>/unread/<yes|no>/refresh/<yes|no> :
+ # meta = Method/Function call
+ # cat/<dbname> = Load from category/database named <dbname>
+ # tag/<rss category> = Rss category (`~` as separator, eg business~seo~seochat.com)
+ # unread/<yes|no> = yes|no (get list that is either read or unread)
+ # refresh/<yes|no> = yes|no (use cached data)
+ # icon/<yes|no> = yes|no (include icon data for items) # TODO
+ #
+ $this->load->model('newsbeuter/newsbeuter_model', 'newsbeuter_model');
+ $opts = array(); $data = array();
+ $opts['dbname'] = $this->get('cat');
+ $unread = strtolower($this->get('unread'));
+ if($unread == 'yes' || $unread == 'no')
+ {
+ $opts['unread'] = $unread;
+ }
+ $tag = $this->get('tag');
+ $tag = str_replace('~', '/', $tag); //browser js api call
+ $refresh = (strtolower($this->get('refresh')) == 'yes') ? 'yes' : 'no';
+ $opts['refresh'] = $refresh;
+ $formats = array('json', 'xml', 'php');
+ $format = $opts['format'] = strtolower($this->get('format'));
+ if ( ! $format || ! in_array($format, $formats) )
+ {
+ $opts['format'] = 'json';
+ }
+ $data = $this->newsbeuter_model->_get_meta($opts, $tag);
+ $data['apiurl'] = $this->newsbeuter->get_rss_api_url();
+ $data['feedsurl'] = $this->newsbeuter->get_local_feed_baseurl();
+ $data['backend'] = 'newsbeuter';
+ if( $tag == '' ) // homepage welcome default call
+ {
+ $data['jsconf'] = $this->newsbeuter->get_frontend_jsconf();
+ }
+ if (isset($data['_by_cat']))
+ {
+ $this->response($data, 200); // 200 being the HTTP response code
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->response(['error' => 'Meta list error'], 404);
+ }
+ }
+ public function icon_get()
+ {
+ ## Api urls example (api baseurl: http://localhost/nbreader/api/rss)
+ #
+ # /icon/cat/dev/tag/<tag>/hash/<sha1sum>/refresh/<yes|no> :
+ # icon = Method/Function call
+ # hash/<sha1sum> = Fetch icons by hash (filter records by hash)
+ # cat/<dbname> = Load from category/database named <dbname>
+ # group/<sha1sum 1st letter> = Fetch icons by hash group (filter records by sha1sum 1st letter) # TODO
+ # tag/<rss category> = Rss category (`~` as separator, eg business~seo~seochat.com) # TODO
+ # refresh/<yes|no> = yes|no (use cached data)
+ #
+ $this->load->model('newsbeuter/newsbeuter_icon', 'newsbeuter_icon');
+ $opts = array(); $data = array();
+ $opts['dbname'] = $this->get('cat');
+ # add hash search_options, sha1sum eg. ffb1840d0a0c9bc303887e26277d7e28f7f31cad
+ if ( $this->get('hash') && strlen($this->get('hash')) >= 20 )
+ {
+ $opts['sha1sum'] = $this->get('hash');
+ }
+ //$refresh = (strtolower($this->get('refresh')) == 'yes') ? 'yes' : 'no';
+ //$opts['refresh'] = $refresh;
+ $data = $this->newsbeuter_icon->get_icon($opts);
+ $data['opts'] = $opts;
+ if (isset($data['icon']))
+ {
+ $this->response($data, 200); // 200 being the HTTP response code
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->response(['error' => 'Icon list error'], 404);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Write routines
+ */
+ // http://localhost/nbreader/api/rss/unread_/id/458/cat/dev/unread/no
+ public function unread__get()
+ {
+ ## Api urls example (api baseurl: http://localhost/nbreader/api/rss)
+ #
+ # /unread_/cat/dev/id/<idnum>/unread/<yes|no> :
+ # unread_ = Method/Function call
+ # cat/<dbname> = Update category/database named <dbname>
+ # id/<idnum> = update rss item for <id>
+ # unread/<yes|no> = update item to read or unread
+ #
+ $this->load->model('newsbeuter/newsbeuter_rss_item_model', 'rss_item');
+ $data['dbname'] = $this->get('cat');
+ $data['feedsurl'] = $this->newsbeuter->get_local_feed_baseurl();
+ $search_options = array();
+ if ( (int)$this->get('id') >= 1 )
+ {
+ $search_options['id'] = (int)$this->get('id');
+ }
+ $unread = strtolower($this->get('unread'));
+ if($unread == 'yes' || $unread == 'no')
+ {
+ $search_options['unread'] = ($unread == 'yes') ? '1' : '0';
+ }
+ $data['result'] = $this->rss_item->update_rss_item_read($search_options);
+ $data['backend'] = 'newsbeuter';
+ if ($data['result'])
+ {
+ $this->response($data, 200); // 200 being the HTTP response code
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->response(['error' => 'Feed item could not be found'], 404);
+ }
+ }
+ public function item_get_new()
+ {
+ // if (!$this->get('id'))
+ // {
+ // $this->response(NULL, 400);
+ // }
+ }
+ protected function _check_valid_dbname($name)
+ {
+ $this->load->library('newsbeuter');
+ return $this->newsbeuter->check_valid_dbname($name);
+ }