path: root/apps/web/models/newsbeuter/Newsbeuter_model.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/web/models/newsbeuter/Newsbeuter_model.php')
1 files changed, 427 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apps/web/models/newsbeuter/Newsbeuter_model.php b/apps/web/models/newsbeuter/Newsbeuter_model.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73d9b4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/web/models/newsbeuter/Newsbeuter_model.php
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+<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
+ * CodeIgniter RSS Client Model (Fetch via RSS Rest API)
+ * A basic data model + api wrapper for Newsbeuter Rssfeeds
+ *
+ * @package CodeIgniter
+ * @subpackage Models
+ * @category Models
+ * @author V.Krishn
+ * @license MIT
+ * @link https://github.com/insteps/nbreader
+ */
+| -------------------------------------------------------------------
+| -------------------------------------------------------------------
+| This file contains methods needed to access rss api and data
+| internally, suited best from controllers.
+| -------------------------------------------------------------------
+| -------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Newsbeuter_model extends CI_Model
+ public function __construct()
+ {
+ // Call the CI_Model constructor
+ parent::__construct();
+ $this->load->library('newsbeuter');
+ }
+ public function get_version()
+ {
+ $apiurl = $this->newsbeuter->get_rss_api_url();
+ $a = file_get_contents($apiurl . "/version");
+ return json_decode($a, TRUE);
+ }
+ public function get_category()
+ {
+ ## Api urls example (api baseurl: http://localhost/nbreader/api/rss)
+ #
+ # /category :
+ # category = Function call (get list of top category i.e. dbnames)
+ #
+ $apiurl = $this->newsbeuter->get_rss_api_url();
+ $format = '/format/json';
+ $a = file_get_contents($apiurl . "/category{$format}");
+ return json_decode ($a, TRUE);
+ //alternate
+ //$data = array();
+ //$data['category'] = $this->newsbeuter->get_local_catogory();
+ //return $data;
+ }
+ public function get_urls($opts = array())
+ {
+ ## Api urls example (api baseurl: http://localhost/nbreader/api/rss)
+ #
+ # /urls/cat/dev :
+ # urls = Function call
+ # cat/<dbname> = Load category/database named <dbname>
+ #
+ $dbname = (isset($opts['dbname'])) ? '/cat/'.$opts['dbname'] : '';
+ $format = '/format/json';
+ $apiurl = $this->newsbeuter->get_rss_api_url();
+ $a = file_get_contents($apiurl . "/urls{$dbname}{$format}");
+ return json_decode ($a, TRUE);
+ }
+ # Return array with keys as localurl
+ public function get_urls_as_key($opts = array())
+ {
+ $data = array(); $data['category'] = array();
+ $c = $this->get_urls($opts);
+ foreach ($c['feedurls'] as $u) {
+ if ( trim($u) !== '') {
+ //list($url, $cat) = explode('"/', $u);
+ list($url, $cat) = str_getcsv($u, ' ', '"'); // PHP 5 >= 5.3.0
+ $url = trim($url);
+ //$cat = trim($cat, '"');
+ $cat = ltrim($cat, '/');
+ //$data['by_url'][$url]['category'] = $cat; //not used
+ $data['by_cat'][$cat][] = $url;
+ $data['category'][] = $cat;
+ $p = $this->newsbeuter->get_parentcategory($cat);
+ if ( ! in_array($p, $data['category']) ) {
+ $data['category'][] = $p;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $data['category'] = array_unique($data['category']);
+ //natcasesort($data['category']); //not useful here
+ return $data;
+ }
+ public function get_rss_feed($opts = array())
+ {
+ ## Api urls example (api baseurl: http://localhost/nbreader/api/rss)
+ #
+ # /feed/cat/dev/row/<limit>-<offset>/hash/<sha1sum> :
+ # feed = Function call
+ # cat/<dbname> = Load category/database named <dbname>
+ # row/<limit>-<offset> = Fetch number of rows = <limit> starting at <offset>
+ # hash/<sha1sum> = Fetch rss feeds list (with hash row values has no effect)
+ #
+ $dbname = (isset($opts['dbname'])) ? '/cat/'.$opts['dbname'] : '';
+ $limit = (isset($opts['limit'])) ? $opts['limit'] : '0';
+ $offset = (isset($opts['offset'])) ? $opts['offset'] : '0';
+ $row = "/row/$limit-{$offset}";
+ $hash = (isset($opts['hash'])) ? '/hash/'.$opts['hash'] : '';
+ $format = '/format/json';
+ $apiurl = $this->newsbeuter->get_rss_api_url();
+ $a = file_get_contents($apiurl . "/feed{$dbname}{$row}{$hash}{$format}");
+ return json_decode($a, TRUE);
+ }
+ public function get_max_rss_item_id()
+ {
+ }
+ public function get_rss_item($opts = array())
+ {
+ ## Api urls example (api baseurl: http://localhost/nbreader/api/rss)
+ #
+ # /item/cat/dev/row/<limit>-<offset>/id/<idnum> :
+ # item = Function call
+ # cat/<dbname> = Load category/database named <dbname>
+ # row/<limit>-<offset> = Fetch number of rows = <limit> starting at <offset>
+ # id/<idnum> = Fetch rss item by id (with id row values has no effect)
+ # hash/<sha1sum> = Fetch rss item by hash (filter records by hash)
+ #
+ $dbname = (isset($opts['dbname'])) ? '/cat/'.$opts['dbname'] : '';
+ $limit = (isset($opts['limit'])) ? $opts['limit'] : '0';
+ $offset = (isset($opts['offset'])) ? $opts['offset'] : '0';
+ $row = "/row/$limit-{$offset}";
+ $hash = (isset($opts['hash'])) ? '/hash/'.$opts['hash'] : '';
+ $filter = (isset($opts['filter'])) ? '/filter/'.$opts['filter'] : '';
+ $format = '/format/json';
+ $apiurl = $this->newsbeuter->get_rss_api_url();
+ $a = file_get_contents($apiurl . "/item{$dbname}{$row}{$hash}{$filter}{$format}");
+ return json_decode($a, TRUE);
+ }
+ public function get_rss_item_count($opts = array())
+ {
+ ## Api urls example (api baseurl: http://localhost/nbreader/api/rss)
+ #
+ # /count/cat/dev/unread/yes :
+ # count = Function call
+ # cat/<dbname> = Load category/database named <dbname>
+ # unread = yes|no (show list that is read or unread)
+ #
+ $dbname = (isset($opts['dbname'])) ? '/cat/'.$opts['dbname'] : '';
+ $unread = (isset($opts['unread'])) ? '/unread/'.$opts['unread'] : '';
+ $format = '/format/json';
+ $apiurl = $this->newsbeuter->get_rss_api_url();
+ $a = file_get_contents($apiurl . "/count{$dbname}{$unread}{$format}");
+ return json_decode ($a, TRUE);
+ }
+ # Return array with key as localurl
+ public function get_rss_item_count_urlaskey($opts = array())
+ {
+ }
+ public function get_meta($opts = array(), $tag = '', $all = FALSE)
+ {
+ ## Api urls example (api baseurl: http://localhost/nbreader/api/rss)
+ #
+ # /meta/cat/dev/tag/<tag>/unread/<yes|no> :
+ # meta = Function call
+ # cat/<dbname> = Load from category/database named <dbname>
+ # tag/<rss category> = Rss category (`~` as separator, eg business~seo~seochat.com)
+ # unread/<yes|no> = yes|no (get list that is either read or unread)
+ # refresh/<yes|no> = yes|no (use cached data)
+ #
+ $dbname = (isset($opts['dbname'])) ? '/cat/'.$opts['dbname'] : '';
+ $tag = (isset($opts['tag'])) ? '/tag/'.$opts['tag'] : '';
+ $unread = (isset($opts['unread'])) ? '/unread/'.$opts['unread'] : '';
+ $refresh = (strtolower($opts['refresh']) == 'yes') ? 'yes' : 'no';
+ $refresh = '/refresh/'.$refresh;
+ $format = '/format/json';
+ $apiurl = $this->newsbeuter->get_rss_api_url();
+ $a = file_get_contents($apiurl . "/meta{$dbname}{$tag}{$unread}{$refresh}{$format}");
+ return json_decode ($a, TRUE);
+ }
+ # Return full rss/feed meta information
+ # eg. title, count, total count by category
+ # data is used in creating the heirarchy feed list/menu.
+ private function _get_allmeta($opts = array())
+ {
+ # get all db names
+ $cat = $this->get_category();
+ $data = array(); $category= array(); $aa = array();
+ $data['_by_cat'] = array(); $_cat = array();
+ if(isset($opts['dbname']) && trim($opts['dbname']) !== '') {
+ $cat['category'] = array($opts['dbname']); // to check
+ }
+ foreach ($cat['category'] as $dbname) {
+ $opts['dbname'] = $dbname;
+ if ( trim($dbname) !== '') {
+ $data[$dbname] = $this->get_urls_as_key($opts);
+ $d = $this->get_rss_item_count($opts);
+ $data['_cat'][] = $dbname;
+ $f = $this->get_rss_feed($opts); // this slows down by 20%+
+ //print_r($f);
+ foreach ($data[$dbname]['by_cat'] as $c=>$urls) {
+ foreach ($urls as $url) {
+ $url = trim($url);
+ $title = trim(@$f['query'][$url]['title']);
+ //$title = ($title) ? $title : @$aa[$c][$url]['title']; //not needed, see $f
+ $title = ($title == '') ? 'untitled' : $title;
+ if (array_key_exists($url, $d['query'])) {
+ $aa[$c][$url] = $d['query'][$url];
+ } else {
+ //$aa[$c][$url]['title'] = 'untitled';
+ $aa[$c][$url]['count'] = 0;
+ }
+ $aa[$c][$url]['title'] = $dbname.'::'.$title;
+ }
+ }
+ unset($d); unset($f); unset($data[$dbname]['by_cat']);
+ foreach($aa as $c => $v) {
+ $count = 0;
+ foreach($aa[$c] as $u) {
+ $count = $count+$u['count'];
+ }
+ if( ! isset($_cat[$c])) { $_cat[$c] = $count; }
+ else { $_cat[$c] = $_cat[$c]+$count; }
+ }
+ $category = array_merge($category, $_cat);
+ unset($_cat); unset($data[$dbname]);
+ //natcasesort($category);
+ }
+ }
+ $_cat = array();
+ foreach($category as $c => $v) {
+ if( ! isset($_cat[$c])) { $_cat[$c] = $v; }
+ else { $_cat[$c] = $_cat[$c]+$v; }
+ while (stripos($c, '/') > 0) {
+ $c = dirname($c);
+ if( ! isset($_cat[$c])) { $_cat[$c] = $v; }
+ else { $_cat[$c] = $_cat[$c]+$v; }
+ }
+ }
+ unset($category);
+ ksort($_cat, SORT_NATURAL | SORT_FLAG_CASE); //php 5.4
+ $data['_by_cat'] = array_merge($data['_by_cat'], $aa);
+ $data['_category'] = $_cat;
+ unset($_cat); unset($cat); unset($aa);
+ return $data;
+ }
+ public function _get_meta($opts = array(), $tag = '', $all = FALSE)
+ {
+ ## test data
+ # $opts['dbname'] = 'news';
+ # $opts['unread'] = null; // yes | no
+ # $opts['refresh'] = 'yes';
+ # $tag = 'business/seo/seochat.com';
+ $useCached = 'no';
+ $refresh = $opts['refresh'];
+ $format = $opts['format'];
+ $meta_all = $this->newsbeuter->set_meta_cache_file($opts, '');
+ $meta = $this->newsbeuter->set_meta_cache_file($opts, $tag);
+ $isMeta = file_exists($meta) ? 'yes' : 'no';
+ $isAllMeta = file_exists($meta_all) ? 'yes' : 'no';
+ if( $refresh == 'no' && $format == 'json' && $isMeta == 'yes' )
+ {
+ # apply cache model here
+ //$this->load->model('newsbeuter/newsbeuter_cache', 'newsbeuter_cache'); # TODO
+ //$data = $this->newsbeuter_cache->handlecache($opts, $tag);
+ # get local json saved cache if fresh
+ if( $this->newsbeuter->is_meta_cache_fresh($meta_all, $meta) )
+ {
+ $data = $this->newsbeuter->get_json_cache($meta);
+ return $data;
+ }
+ }
+ if( $refresh == 'no' && $isAllMeta == 'yes' )
+ {
+ $data = $this->newsbeuter->get_json_cache($meta_all);
+ $genAllMeta = 'no';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $data = $this->_get_allmeta($opts);
+ $genAllMeta = 'yes';
+ }
+ if( $format == 'json' && $genAllMeta == 'yes' ) # only cache json for now
+ {
+ $this->newsbeuter->save_json_cache($meta_all, $data, TRUE);
+ $this->newsbeuter->save_meta_cache_lastfetch($meta_all);
+ }
+ # generate / get meta subset
+ $_cat = array();
+ $tag = preg_replace('#/+#', '/', $tag);
+ $tag = trim($tag, '/');
+ if( $tag == '' ) { return $data; }
+ if( ! key_exists($tag, $data['_category']) ) {
+ return $_cat; #empty array
+ }
+ unset ($data['_cat']);
+ $_d = array();
+ if( key_exists($tag, $data['_by_cat']) ) {
+ $_d = $data['_by_cat'][$tag];
+ }
+ unset ($data['_by_cat']);
+ $data['_by_cat'][$tag] = $_d;
+ $_cat[$tag] = $data['_category'][$tag];
+ while (stripos($tag, '/') > 0) {
+ $tag = dirname($tag);
+ if( key_exists($tag, $data['_category']) ) {
+ $_cat[$tag] = $data['_category'][$tag];
+ }
+ }
+ unset ($data['_category']); unset($_d);
+ ksort($_cat, SORT_NATURAL | SORT_FLAG_CASE); //php 5.4
+ $data['_category'] = $_cat; unset ($_cat);
+ # save/cache subset
+ if( $useCached == 'no' && $format == 'json' )
+ {
+ $this->newsbeuter->save_json_cache($meta, $data);
+ }
+ return $data;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Write routines
+ */
+ public function update_rss_item_read($opts = array())
+ {
+ ## Api urls example (api baseurl: http://localhost/nbreader/api/rss)
+ #
+ # /unread_/cat/dev/id/<idnum>/unread/<yes|no> :
+ # unread_ = Function call
+ # cat/<dbname> = Update category/database named <dbname>
+ # id/<idnum> = update rss item for <id>
+ # unread/<yes|no> = update item to read or unread
+ #
+ $dbname = (isset($opts['dbname'])) ? '/cat/'.$opts['dbname'] : '';
+ $id = (isset($opts['id'])) ? '/id/'.$opts['id'] : '';
+ $unread = (isset($opts['unread'])) ? '/unread/'.$opts['unread'] : '';
+ //$limit = (isset($opts['limit'])) ? $opts['limit'] : '0';
+ $format = '/format/json';
+ $apiurl = $this->newsbeuter->get_rss_api_url();
+ $a = file_get_contents($apiurl . "/unread_{$dbname}{$id}{$unread}{$format}");
+ return json_decode($a, TRUE);
+ }