path: root/wikilib.d/PmWiki.GroupHeaders
diff options
authorrelease <release@524c5546-5005-0410-9a3e-e25e191bd360>2009-08-23 17:10:40 +0000
committerrelease <release@524c5546-5005-0410-9a3e-e25e191bd360>2009-08-23 17:10:40 +0000
commitdbff6c684be96d8daa6d34356ea5e0465f8d7b43 (patch)
tree913ca075218b1d4ca6905220d03c399ebce85bd2 /wikilib.d/PmWiki.GroupHeaders
parentf758e7cf4a173af2670a583e6aeec9f5c6dcc697 (diff)
Documentation update.
git-svn-id: svn://pmwiki.org/pmwiki/trunk@2396 524c5546-5005-0410-9a3e-e25e191bd360
Diffstat (limited to 'wikilib.d/PmWiki.GroupHeaders')
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/wikilib.d/PmWiki.GroupHeaders b/wikilib.d/PmWiki.GroupHeaders
index e51aade4..9b52c521 100644
--- a/wikilib.d/PmWiki.GroupHeaders
+++ b/wikilib.d/PmWiki.GroupHeaders
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-version=pmwiki-2.2.0 ordered=1 urlencoded=1
-agent=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; de; rv: Gecko/2009020911 Ubuntu/8.10 (intrepid) Firefox/3.0.6
+version=pmwiki-2.2.4 ordered=1 urlencoded=1
+agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/530.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/530.5
-csum=Added GroupPrintHeader and GroupPrintFooter
+csum=see also
-text=(:Summary: Group Header and Group Footer page usage:)%0a(:Audience: authors (intermediate) :)%0aEvery [[WikiGroup]] can have `GroupHeader and `GroupFooter pages that contain markup that should be included at the beginning or end of each page within the group. This feature is useful for:%0a%0a* adding a disclaimer or heading to all of the pages of a group%0a* defining custom [[WikiStyles]] that may be used for all pages in a group%0a* replacing the default headers and/or footers for pages in a group (e.g., using [@(:noheader:)@] and or [@(:nofooter:)@] -- see [[PageDirectives]]).%0a%0aTo create a group header, just create a new page called [@YourGroup.GroupHeader@]. Group headers allow authors to create groups with custom headers and footers without having to coordinate with a [[wiki administrator]]. %0a%0aThe default `GroupHeader or `GroupFooter can be suppressed on an individual page (such as a group's `HomePage) by using the [@(:nogroupheader:)@] and [@(:nogroupfooter:)@] markups ''on that page''.%0a%0aIf a generic `GroupHeader is used in one wikigroup (say, the Site wikigroup), then the code can be easily duplicated in the `GroupHeader of any other group by using %0a[@(:include Site.GroupHeader:)@]. See [[IncludeOtherPages]].%0a%0aIf you want a header or footer to appear when you print a page (action '''print'''), simply create a page called [@YourGroup.GroupPrintHeader@] or [@YourGroup.GroupPrintFooter@] and fill it with your markup.%0a%0a>>faq%3c%3c [[#faq]]%0a%0aQ: How do I set one header for all pages/groups?%0aA: The header for each page is controlled by the $GroupHeaderFmt variable. Thus a site-wide groupheader can be added with%0a%0a->[@%0a$GroupHeaderFmt = '(:include {$SiteGroup}.SiteHeader%0a basepage={*$FullName}:)(:nl:)' . $GroupHeaderFmt;%0a@]%0a(:comment above line split as it breaks fixed width skins:)%0a%0aNote that single quotes must be used so that [@$Group@] (which is part of the default contents of $GroupHeaderFmt) will be substituted properly by PmWiki, and that this applies to all variables ending in $[@...Fmt@].%0a(:comment above note edited as it was breaking fixed width skins:)%0aSee also the Cookbook:AllGroupHeader page.%0a%0aA: Any form of markup is valid in $GroupHeaderFmt, thus one can do%0a%0a->[@$GroupHeaderFmt .= "Global markup text here.";@]%0a%0aQ: Would this then work for site footers?%0a->[@%0a$GroupFooterFmt = '(:include {$SiteGroup}.SiteFooter%0a basepage={*$FullName}:)(:nl:)' . $GroupFooterFmt;%0a@]
+text=(:Summary: Group Header and Group Footer page usage:)%0a(:Audience: authors (intermediate) :)%0aEvery [[WikiGroup]] can have `GroupHeader and `GroupFooter pages that contain markup that should be included at the beginning or end of each page within the group. This feature is useful for:%0a%0a* adding a disclaimer or heading to all of the pages of a group%0a* defining custom [[WikiStyles]] that may be used for all pages in a group%0a* replacing the default headers and/or footers for pages in a group (e.g., using [@(:noheader:)@] and or [@(:nofooter:)@] -- see [[PageDirectives]]).%0a%0aTo create a group header, just create a new page called [@YourGroup.GroupHeader@]. Group headers allow authors to create groups with custom headers and footers without having to coordinate with a [[wiki administrator]]. %0a%0aThe default `GroupHeader or `GroupFooter can be suppressed on an individual page (such as a group's `HomePage) by using the [@(:nogroupheader:)@] and [@(:nogroupfooter:)@] markups ''on that page''.%0a%0aIf a generic `GroupHeader is used in one wikigroup (say, the Site wikigroup), then the code can be easily duplicated in the `GroupHeader of any other group by using %0a[@(:include Site.GroupHeader:)@]. See [[IncludeOtherPages]].%0a%0aIf you want a header or footer to appear when you print a page (action '''print'''), simply create a page called [@YourGroup.GroupPrintHeader@] or [@YourGroup.GroupPrintFooter@] and fill it with your markup.%0a%0aSee also%0a* [[Cookbook:All group header]] [- {Cookbook/AllGroupHeader$:Summary} -]%0a* [[Cookbook:Wiki footer]] [- {Cookbook/Wikifooter$:Summary} -]%0a%0a%0a>>faq%3c%3c [[#faq]]%0a%0aQ: How do I set one header for all pages/groups?%0aA: The header for each page is controlled by the $GroupHeaderFmt variable. Thus a site-wide groupheader can be added with%0a%0a->[@%0a$GroupHeaderFmt = '(:include {$SiteGroup}.SiteHeader%0a basepage={*$FullName}:)(:nl:)' . $GroupHeaderFmt;%0a@]%0a(:comment above line split as it breaks fixed width skins:)%0a%0aNote that single quotes must be used so that [@$Group@] (which is part of the default contents of $GroupHeaderFmt) will be substituted properly by PmWiki, and that this applies to all variables ending in $[@...Fmt@].%0a(:comment above note edited as it was breaking fixed width skins:)%0aSee also the Cookbook:AllGroupHeader page.%0a%0aA: Any form of markup is valid in $GroupHeaderFmt, thus one can do%0a%0a->[@$GroupHeaderFmt .= "Global markup text here.";@]%0a%0aQ: Would this then work for site footers?%0a->[@%0a$GroupFooterFmt = '(:include {$SiteGroup}.SiteFooter%0a basepage={*$FullName}:)(:nl:)' . $GroupFooterFmt;%0a@]