path: root/wikilib.d/PmWiki.LocalCustomizations
diff options
authorpmichaud <pmichaud@524c5546-5005-0410-9a3e-e25e191bd360>2006-06-04 20:03:56 +0000
committerpmichaud <pmichaud@524c5546-5005-0410-9a3e-e25e191bd360>2006-06-04 20:03:56 +0000
commit1f5474637e8a62b830a41e8e71ebf81af5ce2822 (patch)
treef6571c5083eafb17d55a0300b80ac125919c8499 /wikilib.d/PmWiki.LocalCustomizations
parentfd3bd483f6ff650c50076d0bbd94c8810263d07b (diff)
git-svn-id: svn://pmwiki.org/pmwiki/trunk@1471 524c5546-5005-0410-9a3e-e25e191bd360
Diffstat (limited to 'wikilib.d/PmWiki.LocalCustomizations')
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/wikilib.d/PmWiki.LocalCustomizations b/wikilib.d/PmWiki.LocalCustomizations
index 10997995..fc0540e1 100644
--- a/wikilib.d/PmWiki.LocalCustomizations
+++ b/wikilib.d/PmWiki.LocalCustomizations
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-version=pmwiki-2.1.1 ordered=1 urlencoded=1
-agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050915
-csum=Fixed links
+version=pmwiki-2.1.9 ordered=1 urlencoded=1
+agent=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060425 SUSE/ Firefox/
+csum=moved 404 page question
-text=A WikiAdministrator can make a lot of customizations simply by setting variables in the ''local/config.php'' file. Any group or page can also have [[PerGroupCustomizations|its own configuration file]].%0a%0aFrom its inception, PmWiki has been designed so that [[WikiAdministrator]]s can greatly customize the way PmWiki displays pages and the markup sequences used to generate pages. (This is even mentioned explicitly in [[PmWikiPhilosophy]] #4.) As a result, the core ''pmwiki.php'' script makes extensive use of [[PmWiki.Variables]] to determine how markup sequences will be processed and what each individual page will output.%0a%0aThe bulk of this page describes how customizations work in general, see [[PmWiki.DocumentationIndex]] for specific customizations that are commonly performed at many PmWiki installations, including:%0a%0a* [[Skins]]%0a* [[Internationalizations]]%0a* [[Custom Markup]]%0a* [[Custom InterMap]]s%0a%0aThe simplest type of customization is merely setting a variable to 1 (or TRUE). Here's an example that enables ?action=diag and ?action=phpinfo actions:%0a%0a->[@$EnableDiag = 1;@]%0a%0aYou can begin a line with a "#" (an octothorpe, a.k.a. a hash symbol or pound sign) to add a comment. Additionally, some built-in PmWiki variables take values other than 1 or 0 (true or false). Here's another example that customizes the wiki's behavior with respect to search engine web robots (see [[Cookbook:ControllingWebRobots]]):%0a%0a->[@%0a# Allow the site to be indexed by search engines.%0a$MetaRobots = 'index,follow';%0a$EnableRobotCloakActions = 1;%0a@]%0a%0aThe ''scripts/'' subdirectory (below the directory holding the ''pmwiki.php'' script) has many customizations.%0aThe PmWiki [[(Cookbook:)Cookbook]] contains many example customizations (recipes) that you can download into the ''cookbook/'' subdirectory,%0aThe first few lines of each of these scripts generally contain instructions about how to enable (and use) the feature provided by the script.%0a%0aThese customizations are included in your ''config.php'' site configuration. For most scripts this is done by simply adding lines like:%0a->[@include_once("cookbook/recipefile.php");@]%0aand%0a->[@include_once("scripts/scriptfile.php");@]%0aat the end of the ''config.php'' file to enable them. %0a%0aSome of the scripts are automatically enabled for you via the ''scripts/stdconfig.php'' script unless you disable it by setting @@$EnableStdConfig=0;@@ in ''local/config.php''.%0a%0aNote that you should strongly resist the temptation to directly modify the ''pmwiki.php'' script or the files in the ''scripts/'' subdirectory. Any modifications you make to these files will probably be overwritten whenever you perform a [[PmWiki.Upgrade(s)]]. Instead, look at some of the sample scripts for examples of customizations that can be performed from ''config.php''. You can even create your own script to do a customization and use @@include_once(...)@@ to include it from ''config.php''. If you do make your own customization script, you can safely put it in the ''cookbook/'' subdirectory--it won't get overwritten by an upgrade there. You might also want to submit your customization to the [[MailingLists|pmwiki-users mailing list]] or the [[(Cookbook:)Cookbook]] so that others can benefit from your effort and so that it can perhaps be included in future releases of PmWiki.%0a%0a%25trail%25%3c%3c|[[DocumentationIndex]]|>>%0a>>faq%3c%3c [[#faq]]%0a%0a%0aQ: How do I get the group / page name in a local configuration file (e.g. ''local/config.php'')?%0aA: Use the following markup in pmwiki-2.1.beta21 or newer:%0a%0a->[@%0a## Get the group and page name%0a$pagename = ResolvePageName($pagename);%0a$group = PageVar($pagename, '$Group');%0a$name = PageVar($pagename, '$Name');%0a@]%0a
+text=A WikiAdministrator can make a lot of customizations simply by setting variables in the ''local/config.php'' file. Any group or page can also have [[PerGroupCustomizations|its own configuration file]].%0a%0aFrom its inception, PmWiki has been designed so that [[WikiAdministrator]]s can greatly customize the way PmWiki displays pages and the markup sequences used to generate pages. (This is even mentioned explicitly in [[PmWikiPhilosophy]] #4.) As a result, the core ''pmwiki.php'' script makes extensive use of [[PmWiki.Variables]] to determine how markup sequences will be processed and what each individual page will output.%0a%0aThe bulk of this page describes how customizations work in general, see [[PmWiki.DocumentationIndex]] for specific customizations that are commonly performed at many PmWiki installations, including:%0a%0a* [[Skins]]%0a* [[Internationalizations]]%0a* [[Custom Markup]]%0a* [[Custom InterMap]]s%0a%0aThe simplest type of customization is merely setting a variable to 1 (or TRUE). Here's an example that enables ?action=diag and ?action=phpinfo actions:%0a%0a->[@$EnableDiag = 1;@]%0a%0aYou can begin a line with a "#" (an octothorpe, a.k.a. a hash symbol or pound sign) to add a comment. Additionally, some built-in PmWiki variables take values other than 1 or 0 (true or false). Here's another example that customizes the wiki's behavior with respect to search engine web robots (see [[Cookbook:ControllingWebRobots]]):%0a%0a->[@%0a# Allow the site to be indexed by search engines.%0a$MetaRobots = 'index,follow';%0a$EnableRobotCloakActions = 1;%0a@]%0a%0aThe ''scripts/'' subdirectory (below the directory holding the ''pmwiki.php'' script) has many customizations.%0aThe PmWiki [[(Cookbook:)Cookbook]] contains many example customizations (recipes) that you can download into the ''cookbook/'' subdirectory,%0aThe first few lines of each of these scripts generally contain instructions about how to enable (and use) the feature provided by the script.%0a%0aThese customizations are included in your ''config.php'' site configuration. For most scripts this is done by simply adding lines like:%0a->[@include_once("cookbook/recipefile.php");@]%0aand%0a->[@include_once("scripts/scriptfile.php");@]%0aat the end of the ''config.php'' file to enable them. %0a%0aSome of the scripts are automatically enabled for you via the ''scripts/stdconfig.php'' script unless you disable it by setting @@$EnableStdConfig=0;@@ in ''local/config.php''.%0a%0aNote that you should strongly resist the temptation to directly modify the ''pmwiki.php'' script or the files in the ''scripts/'' subdirectory. Any modifications you make to these files will probably be overwritten whenever you perform a [[PmWiki.Upgrade(s)]]. Instead, look at some of the sample scripts for examples of customizations that can be performed from ''config.php''. You can even create your own script to do a customization and use @@include_once(...)@@ to include it from ''config.php''. If you do make your own customization script, you can safely put it in the ''cookbook/'' subdirectory--it won't get overwritten by an upgrade there. You might also want to submit your customization to the [[MailingLists|pmwiki-users mailing list]] or the [[(Cookbook:)Cookbook]] so that others can benefit from your effort and so that it can perhaps be included in future releases of PmWiki.%0a%0a%25trail%25%3c%3c|[[DocumentationIndex]]|>>%0a%0a>>faq%3c%3c [[#faq]]%0a%0aQ: How do I get the group / page name in a local configuration file (e.g. ''local/config.php'')?%0aA: Use the following markup in pmwiki-2.1.beta21 or newer:%0a%0a->[@%0a## Get the group and page name%0a$pagename = ResolvePageName($pagename);%0a$group = PageVar($pagename, '$Group');%0a$name = PageVar($pagename, '$Name');%0a@]%0a%0a%0aQ: Can I remove items from the wikilib.d folder on my site?%0aA: Yes, the files in ''wikilib.d/'' can be safely removed. They'll reappear again when you upgrade, however. If you want to permanently configure your site so that these distribution pages don't appear, try:%0a%0a->[@$WikiLibDirs = array(&$WikiDir);@]%0a%0a%0aQ: How do I customize my own 404 error page for non-existent pages?%0aA: To change the text of the message, try editing the [[Site.PageNotFound]] page.%0a%0a