path: root/wikilib.d/PmWiki.PageVariables
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Diffstat (limited to 'wikilib.d/PmWiki.PageVariables')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/wikilib.d/PmWiki.PageVariables b/wikilib.d/PmWiki.PageVariables
index 5df34b2d..ade5ef39 100644
--- a/wikilib.d/PmWiki.PageVariables
+++ b/wikilib.d/PmWiki.PageVariables
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-version=pmwiki-2.3.13 ordered=1 urlencoded=1
+version=pmwiki-2.3.36 ordered=1 urlencoded=1
-csum=markup expressions can process page variables (-26)
+csum=fix wiki link in code, move link below, "ctime" is recent (+121)
description=Documentation for "variables" that are associated with pages.
-text=(:title Page specific variables:)%0a(:description Documentation for "variables" that are associated with pages. :)%0a(:Summary: variables that are associated with pages:)%0a(:Audience: authors (intermediate) :)%0a%0a[[#desc]]This page describes the "[[variables]]" that are associated with pages. Page variables have the form %25pmhlt%25[@{$variable}@], and can be used in page markup or in certain formatting strings in PmWiki. For example, the markup "[@{$Group}@]" renders in this page as "{$Group}".%0a%0aNote: Do not confuse these variables (set and used only in PmWiki pages) with [[PmWiki/Variables|PHP variables]]. Page variables can be read in PHP with the [[Cookbook:Functions#PageVar|PageVar()]] function.%0a%0aNote that these variables do not necessarily exist in the PHP code, because they have to be determined for a specific page. (However, they are usable in [[FmtPageName]] strings.)%0a%0a%25pmhlt%25There is also the form [@{pagename$variable}@], which returns the value of the variable for another page. For example, "[@{MarkupMasterIndex$Title}@]" displays as "{MarkupMasterIndex$Title}".%0a%0a%0a!! Default page variables%0a%0aThe page variables defined for PmWiki are:%0a%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$Action}@] - page's url action argument, as in "{$Action}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$BaseName}@] - page's "base" form (stripping any prefixes or suffixes defined via @@$BaseNamePatterns@@) as in "`{$BaseName}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$DefaultGroup}@] - default group name, as in "{$DefaultGroup}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$DefaultName}@] - name of default page, as in "`{$DefaultName}" (take note also of $PagePathFmt for setting a homepage for a group)%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$Description}@] - page's description from the [@(:description:)@] markup, as in "{$Description}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$FullName}@] - page's full name, as in "`{$FullName}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$Group}@] - page's group name, as in "`{$Group}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$Groupspaced}@] - spaced group name, as in "{$Groupspaced}"%0a%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$LastModified}@] - date page was edited, as in "{$LastModified}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$LastModifiedBy}@] - page's last editor, as in "{$LastModifiedBy}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$LastModifiedHost}@] - IP of page's last editor, as in "{$LastModifiedHost}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$LastModifiedSummary}@] - Summary from last edit, as in "{$LastModifiedSummary}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$LastModifiedTime}@] - time page was edited in unix-style timestamp, as in "{$LastModifiedTime}"%0a-->%25pmhlt%25This can be used (preceded by '@') in [[PmWiki.MarkupExpressions#ftime|[@{(ftime)}@]]] and other date/time markups.%0a%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$Name}@] - page name, as in "`{$Name}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$Namespaced}@] - spaced page name, as in "{$Namespaced}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$PageUrl}@] - page's url, as in "{$PageUrl}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$PasswdRead}@] - "read" permissions for the page e.g. "{$PasswdRead}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$PasswdEdit}@] - "edit" permissions for the page e.g. "{$PasswdEdit}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$PasswdAttr}@] - "attr" permissions for the page e.g. "{$PasswdAttr}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$RequestedPage}@] - page requested in URL, used on [[Site.PageNotFound]]. e.g. "{$RequestedPage}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$SiteGroup}@] - default interface group name for e.g. SideBar, forms, templates, as in "{$SiteGroup}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$SiteAdminGroup}@] - default administrative group name for e.g. AuthUser, Blocklist, as in "{$SiteAdminGroup}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$WikiTitle}@] - title of the website, as in "{$WikiTitle}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$Title}@] - page title (may differ from Name), as in "{$Title}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$Titlespaced}@] - either the page title (if defined), or the spaced page name, as in "{$Titlespaced}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25 [@{$GroupHomePage}@], [@{$GroupHomePageName}@], [@{$GroupHomePageTitle}@], [@{$GroupHomePageTitlespaced}@] - information about the homepage in the group of the current page, respectively the full name of the homepage, its [@{$Name}@], [@{$Title}@], and [@{$Titlespaced}@], as in "{$GroupHomePage}", "{$GroupHomePageName}", "{$GroupHomePageTitle}", "{$GroupHomePageTitlespaced}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25 All other variables derived from the group homepage can be output with nested markup, for example \%0a [@{{$GroupHomePage}$LastModified}@], [@{{$GroupHomePage}$Description}@].%0a%0aIn addition to the above, there are some page-invariant variables available through this markup:%0a%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$Author}@] - the name of the person currently interacting with the site, as in "{$Author}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$AuthId}@] - current authenticated id, as in "{$AuthId}" %25red%25note the lower case 'd'.%25%25%0a%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$Version}@] - PmWiki version, as in "{$Version}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$VersionNum}@] - The internal version number, as in "{$VersionNum}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$ScriptUrl}@] - The URL to the pmwiki script, as in "{$ScriptUrl}"%0a%0a%0a[[#specialreferences]]%0a!! Special references%0aSpecial referenced variables are used to specify the context of the variable when:%0a* the variable is [[PmWiki/IncludeOtherPages|included]] into a destination (target) page%0a* the variable is used in a sidebar, header, or footer.%0a%0aPrefixing the variable name with an asterisk (*) means the variable's value is related to the browsed page or main (body) page.%0a%0a* %25pmhlt%25[@{*$PageVariablename}@] - prefixed by an asterisk (*) - value reflects the context of the browsed page.\\%0a Without the asterisk the variable's value is provided by the page from which it originates, eg source page of include, sidebar, or header or footer.\\%0a With asterisk the value will be provided by the browsed page, even if the markup comes from an included page or from a sidebar.%0a* %25pmhlt%25[@{$PageVariablename}@] - retains value in source page context.%0a* %25pmhlt%25[@{=$PageVariablename}@] - used only in [[PageLists|pagelist]] templates to print the variable provided by each page from the pagelist.%0a%0a-%3c See also $EnableRelativePageVars.%0a-%3c Special references are also used in [[page text variables(#specialreferences)]] and [[page list templates(#specialreferences)]].%0a%0aFor example you can test to see if the page is part of another page%0a(:markup:)%0a(:if ! name {$FullName}:) %0a%25comment%25 name of this page is not the same as the page this text was sourced from%0a->[[{$FullName}#anchor | more ...]]%0a(:ifend:)%0a(:markupend:)%0aor refer to the main page in a sidebar, footer, or header%0a(:markup class=horiz:)%0aThis page is [[{*$FullName}]]%0a(:markupend:)%0a%0a[[#specialreferencesend]]%0a%0a[[#security]]%0a!! Page variable security ($authpage)%0a%0aThe form %25pmhlt%25[@{pagename$variable}@] in some [[PageLists]], can display the values for other pages, regardless of the password protections. %0a%0aIf the other pages are protected and the visitor has no read permissions, [[PageVariables]], unlike [[PageTextVariables]], normally display the values. While most variables do not contain sensitive information, some of them could do: $Title, $Description and those starting with $LastModified.%0a%0a%25pmhlt%25Administrators and module developers can redefine the sensitive page variables to respect authentications, by using the "$authpage" variable instead of "$page" in the definition. The following snippet can be added in @@local/config.php@@ -- it will rewrite the default possibly sensitive definitions to the secure ones.%0a%0a%25hlt php%25[@%0aforeach($FmtPV as $k=>$v) {%0a if(preg_match('/^\\$(Title(spaced)?|LastModified(By|Host|Summary|Time)?|Description)$/', $k))%0a $FmtPV[$k] = str_replace('$page', '$authpage', $v);%0a}%0a@]%0a%0a%0a[[#custompv]]%0a!! Custom page variables%0a%0aYou may add custom page variables as a local customization. In a local configuration file or a recipe script, use the variable $FmtPV:%0a%0a->%25hlt php%25[@%0a$FmtPV['$VarName'] = "'variable definition'";%0a$FmtPV['$CurrentSkin'] = '$GLOBALS["Skin"]';%0a@]%0a%0aDefines new Page Variable of name $CurrentSkin, which can be used in the page with [@{$CurrentSkin}@] (also for [[Conditional markup]]). It's necessary to use the single quotes nested inside double-quotes as shown above (preferred) or a double-quoted string nested inside single-quotes like ''[@'"this"'@]''.%0a%0aYou can make a string a Page Variable by adding the string to the $GLOBALS[] array first.%0a%0a->%25hlt php%25[@%0a## Create a {$BaseUrl} page variable%0a$GLOBALS['BaseUrl'] = $UrlScheme."://".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]."/Wiki";%0a$FmtPV['$BaseUrl'] = '$GLOBALS["BaseUrl"]';%0a@]%0a%0aYou can also have a function create the string.%0a%0a->%25hlt php%25[@%0a## Create a {$BaseUrl} page variable%0afunction BaseUrl() { %0a global $UrlScheme;%0a return $UrlScheme."://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/Wiki"; %0a}%0a$FmtPV['$BaseUrl'] = 'BaseUrl()';%0a@]%0a%0a>>frame%3c%3c%0aPlease note that the values of the elements of $FmtPV are @@eval()@@ed so '''always sanitize any user input'''. The following is very insecure[=:=]%0a%0a->%25hlt php%25[@$FmtPV['$Var'] = $_REQUEST['Var'];@] %25red%25# critically insecure, allows PHP code injection%25%25\\%0a%25hlt php%25[@$FmtPV['$Var'] = '"'. addslashes($_REQUEST['Var']).'"';@] %25red%25# critically insecure, allows PHP code injection%25%25%0a%0aSee the recipe [[Cookbook:HttpVariables]] for a better way to use these variables.%0a>>%3c%3c%0a%0a!! See also%0a%0a* [[Cookbook:More custom page variables]]%0a* [[PmWiki.Variables]] — about variables internal to PmWiki.%0a* [[PmWiki.MarkupMasterIndex]] — complete list of PmWiki markups.%0a* [[PmWiki/PageTextVariables]] — page variables automatically made available through natural page markup or explicit page markup within the wiki text of the page.%0a* [[PmWiki.Markup Expressions]] — markup expressions can process page variables.%0a%0a>>faq%3c%3c [[#faq]]%0a%0aQ:Is there a variable like $LastModified, but which shows me the creation time?%0aA:No, but you can create one in config.php. For instance:%0a-->%25hlt php%25[@# add page variable [={$PageCreationDate}=] in format yyyy-mm-dd@]%0a-->%25hlt php%25[@$FmtPV['$PageCreationDate'] = '[[PmWiki/Functions#PSFT|PSFT]]("[=%25Y-%25m-%25d=]", $page["ctime"])';@]%0a%0a->If you like the same format that you define in config.php with $TimeFmt use%0a-->%25hlt php%25[@$FmtPV['$Created'] = "[[PmWiki/Functions#PSFT|PSFT]](\$GLOBALS['TimeFmt'], \$page['ctime'])";@]%0a%0aQ: How can I test if a variable is set and/or not empty?%0aA: Use %25pmhlt%25[@[=(:if ! equal "{$Variable}" "":) $Variable is not empty. (:ifend:)=]@]. Note that undefined/inexistent variables appear as empty ones.%0a%0aCategories: [[!PmWiki Developer]]
+text=(:title Page specific variables:)%0a(:description Documentation for "variables" that are associated with pages. :)%0a(:Summary: variables that are associated with pages:)%0a(:Audience: authors (intermediate) :)%0a%0a[[#desc]]This page describes the "[[variables]]" that are associated with pages. Page variables have the form %25pmhlt%25[@{$variable}@], and can be used in page markup or in certain formatting strings in PmWiki. For example, the markup "[@{$Group}@]" renders in this page as "{$Group}".%0a%0aNote: Do not confuse these variables (set and used only in PmWiki pages) with [[PmWiki/Variables|PHP variables]]. Page variables can be read in PHP with the [[Cookbook:Functions#PageVar|PageVar()]] function.%0a%0aNote that these variables do not necessarily exist in the PHP code, because they have to be determined for a specific page. (However, they are usable in [[FmtPageName]] strings.)%0a%0a%25pmhlt%25There is also the form [@{pagename$variable}@], which returns the value of the variable for another page. For example, "[@{MarkupMasterIndex$Title}@]" displays as "{MarkupMasterIndex$Title}".%0a%0a%0a!! Default page variables%0a%0aThe page variables defined for PmWiki are:%0a%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$Action}@] - page's url action argument, as in "{$Action}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$BaseName}@] - page's "base" form (stripping any prefixes or suffixes defined via @@$BaseNamePatterns@@) as in "`{$BaseName}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$DefaultGroup}@] - default group name, as in "{$DefaultGroup}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$DefaultName}@] - name of default page, as in "`{$DefaultName}" (take note also of $PagePathFmt for setting a homepage for a group)%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$Description}@] - page's description from the [@(:description:)@] markup, as in "{$Description}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$FullName}@] - page's full name, as in "`{$FullName}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$Group}@] - page's group name, as in "`{$Group}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$Groupspaced}@] - spaced group name, as in "{$Groupspaced}"%0a%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$LastModified}@] - date page was edited, as in "{$LastModified}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$LastModifiedBy}@] - page's last editor, as in "{$LastModifiedBy}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$LastModifiedHost}@] - IP of page's last editor, as in "{$LastModifiedHost}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$LastModifiedSummary}@] - Summary from last edit, as in "{$LastModifiedSummary}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$LastModifiedTime}@] - time page was edited in unix-style timestamp, as in "{$LastModifiedTime}"%0a-->%25pmhlt%25This can be used (preceded by '@') in [[PmWiki.MarkupExpressions#ftime|[@{(ftime)}@]]] and other date/time markups.%0a%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$Name}@] - page name, as in "`{$Name}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$Namespaced}@] - spaced page name, as in "{$Namespaced}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$PageUrl}@] - page's url, as in "{$PageUrl}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$PasswdRead}@] - "read" permissions for the page e.g. "{$PasswdRead}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$PasswdEdit}@] - "edit" permissions for the page e.g. "{$PasswdEdit}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$PasswdAttr}@] - "attr" permissions for the page e.g. "{$PasswdAttr}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$RequestedPage}@] - page requested in URL, used on [[Site.PageNotFound]]. e.g. "{$RequestedPage}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$SiteGroup}@] - default interface group name for e.g. SideBar, forms, templates, as in "{$SiteGroup}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$SiteAdminGroup}@] - default administrative group name for e.g. AuthUser, Blocklist, as in "{$SiteAdminGroup}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$WikiTitle}@] - title of the website, as in "{$WikiTitle}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$Title}@] - page title (may differ from Name), as in "{$Title}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$Titlespaced}@] - either the page title (if defined), or the spaced page name, as in "{$Titlespaced}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25 [@{$GroupHomePage}@], [@{$GroupHomePageName}@], [@{$GroupHomePageTitle}@], [@{$GroupHomePageTitlespaced}@], [@{$GroupHomePageUrl}@] - information about the homepage in the group of the current page, respectively the full name of the homepage, its [@{$Name}@], [@{$Title}@], [@{$Titlespaced}@], and [@{$PageUrl}@] as in "{$GroupHomePage}", "{$GroupHomePageName}", "{$GroupHomePageTitle}", "{$GroupHomePageTitlespaced}", "{$GroupHomePageUrl}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25 All other variables derived from the group homepage can be output with nested markup, for example \%0a [@{{$GroupHomePage}$LastModified}@], [@{{$GroupHomePage}$Description}@].%0a%0aIn addition to the above, there are some page-invariant variables available through this markup:%0a%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$Author}@] - the name of the person currently interacting with the site, as in "{$Author}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$AuthId}@] - current authenticated id, as in "{$AuthId}" %25red%25note the lower case 'd'.%25%25%0a%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$Version}@] - PmWiki version, as in "{$Version}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$VersionNum}@] - The internal version number, as in "{$VersionNum}"%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@{$ScriptUrl}@] - The URL to the pmwiki script, as in "{$ScriptUrl}"%0a%0a%0a[[#specialreferences]]%0a!! Special references%0aSpecial referenced variables are used to specify the context of the variable when:%0a* the variable is [[PmWiki/IncludeOtherPages|included]] into a destination (target) page%0a* the variable is used in a sidebar, header, or footer.%0a%0aPrefixing the variable name with an asterisk (*) means the variable's value is related to the browsed page or main (body) page.%0a%0a* %25pmhlt%25[@{*$PageVariablename}@] - prefixed by an asterisk (*) - value reflects the context of the browsed page.\\%0a Without the asterisk the variable's value is provided by the page from which it originates, eg source page of include, sidebar, or header or footer.\\%0a With asterisk the value will be provided by the browsed page, even if the markup comes from an included page or from a sidebar.%0a* %25pmhlt%25[@{$PageVariablename}@] - retains value in source page context.%0a* %25pmhlt%25[@{=$PageVariablename}@] - used only in [[PageLists|pagelist]] templates to print the variable provided by each page from the pagelist.%0a%0a-%3c See also $EnableRelativePageVars.%0a-%3c Special references are also used in [[page text variables(#specialreferences)]] and [[page list templates(#specialreferences)]].%0a%0aFor example you can test to see if the page is part of another page%0a(:markup:)%0a(:if ! name {$FullName}:) %0a%25comment%25 name of this page is not the same as the page this text was sourced from%0a->[[{$FullName}#anchor | more ...]]%0a(:ifend:)%0a(:markupend:)%0aor refer to the main page in a sidebar, footer, or header%0a(:markup class=horiz:)%0aThis page is [[{*$FullName}]]%0a(:markupend:)%0a%0a[[#specialreferencesend]]%0a%0a[[#security]]%0a!! Page variable security ($authpage)%0a%0aThe form %25pmhlt%25[@{pagename$variable}@] in some [[PageLists]], can display the values for other pages, regardless of the password protections. %0a%0aIf the other pages are protected and the visitor has no read permissions, [[PageVariables]], unlike [[PageTextVariables]], normally display the values. While most variables do not contain sensitive information, some of them could do: $Title, $Description and those starting with $LastModified.%0a%0a%25pmhlt%25Administrators and module developers can redefine the sensitive page variables to respect authentications, by using the "$authpage" variable instead of "$page" in the definition. The following snippet can be added in @@local/config.php@@ -- it will rewrite the default possibly sensitive definitions to the secure ones.%0a%0a%25hlt php%25[@%0aforeach($FmtPV as $k=>$v) {%0a if(preg_match('/^\\$(Title(spaced)?|LastModified(By|Host|Summary|Time)?|Description)$/', $k))%0a $FmtPV[$k] = str_replace('$page', '$authpage', $v);%0a}%0a@]%0a%0a%0a[[#custompv]]%0a!! Custom page variables%0a%0aYou may add custom page variables as a local customization. In a local configuration file or a recipe script, use the variable $FmtPV:%0a%0a->%25hlt php%25[@%0a$FmtPV['$VarName'] = "'variable definition'";%0a$FmtPV['$CurrentSkin'] = '$GLOBALS["Skin"]';%0a@]%0a%0aDefines new Page Variable of name $CurrentSkin, which can be used in the page with [@{$CurrentSkin}@] (also for [[Conditional markup]]). It's necessary to use the single quotes nested inside double-quotes as shown above (preferred) or a double-quoted string nested inside single-quotes like ''[@'"this"'@]''.%0a%0aYou can make a string a Page Variable by adding the string to the $GLOBALS[] array first.%0a%0a->%25hlt php%25[@%0a## Create a {$BaseUrl} page variable%0a$GLOBALS['BaseUrl'] = $UrlScheme."://".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]."/Wiki";%0a$FmtPV['$BaseUrl'] = '$GLOBALS["BaseUrl"]';%0a@]%0a%0aYou can also have a function create the string.%0a%0a->%25hlt php%25[@%0a## Create a {$BaseUrl} page variable%0afunction BaseUrl() { %0a global $UrlScheme;%0a return $UrlScheme."://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/Wiki"; %0a}%0a$FmtPV['$BaseUrl'] = 'BaseUrl()';%0a@]%0a%0a>>frame%3c%3c%0aPlease note that the values of the elements of $FmtPV are @@eval()@@ed so '''always sanitize any user input'''. The following is very insecure[=:=]%0a%0a->%25hlt php%25[@$FmtPV['$Var'] = $_REQUEST['Var'];@] %25red%25# critically insecure, allows PHP code injection%25%25\\%0a%25hlt php%25[@$FmtPV['$Var'] = '"'. addslashes($_REQUEST['Var']).'"';@] %25red%25# critically insecure, allows PHP code injection%25%25%0a%0aSee the recipe [[Cookbook:HttpVariables]] for a better way to use these variables.%0a>>%3c%3c%0a%0a!! See also%0a%0a* [[Cookbook:More custom page variables]]%0a* [[PmWiki.Variables]] — about variables internal to PmWiki.%0a* [[PmWiki.MarkupMasterIndex]] — complete list of PmWiki markups.%0a* [[PmWiki/PageTextVariables]] — page variables automatically made available through natural page markup or explicit page markup within the wiki text of the page.%0a* [[PmWiki.Markup Expressions]] — markup expressions can process page variables.%0a%0a>>faq%3c%3c [[#faq]]%0a%0aQ:Is there a variable like $LastModified, but which shows me the creation time?%0aA:No, but you can create one in config.php. For instance:%0a-->%25hlt php%25[@# add page variable [={$PageCreationDate}=] in format yyyy-mm-dd@]%0a-->%25hlt php%25[@$FmtPV['$PageCreationDate'] = 'PSFT("[=%25Y-%25m-%25d=]", $page["ctime"])';@]%0a%0a->If you like the same format that you define in config.php with $TimeFmt use%0a-->%25hlt php%25[@$FmtPV['$Created'] = 'PSFT($GLOBALS["TimeFmt"], $page["ctime"])';@]%0a%0aA: Previously, PmWiki didn't store a "ctime" page attribute. Some core pages, and old wiki pages, may not have this information. See also the function [[Functions#PSFT|PSFT()]].%0a%0aQ: How can I test if a variable is set and/or not empty?%0aA: Use %25pmhlt%25[@(:if ! equal "{$Variable}" "":) $Variable is not empty. (:ifend:)@]. Note that undefined/inexistent variables appear as empty ones.%0a%0aCategories: [[!PmWiki Developer]]
title=Page specific variables