path: root/scripts/wikistyles.php
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* $WikiStyleCSS add columns.petko2024-02-111-1/+2
* GUIEditButtons switch to document.execCommand('insertText'...) to enable Undo...petko2022-12-051-1/+1
* WikiStyles trim class names (PITS:01485).petko2022-12-021-1/+1
* Revert WikiStyleToClassName() -- need more work (cont.).petko2022-11-281-1/+1
* Revert WikiStyleToClassName(), PrePrintFmt() -- need more work (PITS:01484).petko2022-11-281-20/+1
* $EnableListIncludedPages use class name instead of style. guiedit.js remove u...petko2022-11-241-0/+1
* WikiStyleToClassName() fix for style="...", nested link colors - immediate ch...petko2022-11-241-1/+2
* WikiStyleCSS add 'overflow'.petko2022-11-241-1/+1
* WikiStyleCSS add 'clear'.petko2022-11-241-1/+1
* Class PPRC add generic callbacks. WikiStyles fix nested link colors.petko2022-11-221-3/+6
* Realign whitespace braces.petko2022-11-201-1/+1
* WikiStyles replace inline styles with class names to avoid CSP 'unsafe-inline'.petko2022-11-201-2/+17
* Updates for PHP 8.1, hide warnings, add PSFT() replacement for strftime() and...petko2021-12-201-1/+1
* Add $PCCFOverrideFunction. $AuthUserPageFmt can now be an array of page names...petko2018-07-051-1/+3
* Update all files for PHP 7.2, still compatible with PHP 5petko2017-08-201-8/+13
* Preserve "pct" in wikistyles when part of classname (PITS:01404)petko2017-04-071-1/+1
* Forms: remove "target" attribute (broke PmForm); add HTML5 input types "email...petko2015-08-261-0/+2
* Add WikiStyle colors 'fuchsia','olive','lime','teal','aqua','orange' and 'gre...petko2015-08-041-1/+3
* Add WikiStyles for semantic tagspetko2015-04-261-2/+9
* Add WikiStyles clear, min and max width|height, fix %p class=...% with more ...petko2014-08-171-4/+4
* Remove unneeded PSS() calls.petko2014-01-311-3/+3
* Add Markup_e(), PPRE(), PPRA(), PCCF(), migrate preg_replace() eval to preg_r...petko2013-09-201-9/+9
* Add Block WikiStyle %justify% (PITS:01253).petko2011-05-231-2/+2
* Fix WikiStyles could work not properly if a value was empty like accesskey="".petko2010-12-141-2/+2
* git-svn-id: svn://pmwiki.org/pmwiki/trunk@2392 524c5546-5005-0410-9a3e-e25e19...petko2009-08-221-1/+1
* Fix CSS class applied twice (PITS:01071)petko2009-08-221-1/+2
* Fix wikistyles bug when $EnableLinkPageRelative is set.pmichaud2007-06-101-0/+2
* Add preliminary "pre" wikistyle.pmichaud2007-03-261-0/+2
* Move the & rule even earlier in the sequence.pmichaud2007-03-011-1/+1
* Fix copyright date.pmichaud2007-03-011-1/+1
* Fix handling of & prior to (:input:) and other directives.pmichaud2007-03-011-1/+1
* Update $imgTag for <object> and <embed>.pmichaud2006-08-301-4/+4
* Folded John Rankin's wikipublisher variables and settings pmichaud2006-08-251-13/+25
* Add white-space css attribute, fix valid identifiers.pmichaud2006-08-051-1/+2
* Fixed generation of empty paragraphs on %define=...% wikistyles.pmichaud2006-06-081-2/+8
* Restore to 2.1.6 version.pmichaud2006-05-311-2/+2
* Changed <p class='vspace'></p> to <div class='vspace'></div>.pmichaud2006-05-251-2/+2
* Copyright updates.pmichaud2006-03-121-1/+1
* Improved Keep() and friends to better recognize block markups.pmichaud2006-03-121-2/+3
* Added apply=pre.pmichaud2006-03-091-0/+1
* Eliminated warning.pmichaud2005-12-031-1/+1
* Updated for cascading class attributes.pmichaud2005-12-021-24/+27
* class attributes in wikistyles now add.pmichaud2005-12-021-19/+19
* Added "pct" option.pmichaud2005-11-101-5/+8
* Updated copyright dates.pmichaud2005-09-291-1/+1
* Updated E_NOTICE warnings.pmichaud2005-09-071-1/+1
* Updated %sidehead% wikistyle for sidebar formatting.pmichaud2005-09-011-0/+1
* Added cframe wikistyle.pmichaud2005-08-151-0/+3
* Fixed height/width handling and other attributes handling.pmichaud2005-08-141-5/+5
* Fixed value=bug, allows dots and parens in wikistyles.pmichaud2005-08-091-4/+5