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csum=pmhlt (+69)
text=(:Audience: authors (basic) :)%0a(:Summary:Simple tables with double pipe markup, one row per line:)%0a%0aPmWiki has two types of table markup; the markup described in this page is useful for creating ''simple'' tables with lots of small cells, while [[table directive markup->table directives]] helps with larger scale or more complex tables. For more possibilities with formatting simple tables, see [[Cookbook:Rowspan in simple tables]] and [[Cookbook:Formatting tables]].%0a%0a!! Table basics%0aSimple tables are created via use of double pipe characters: %25pmhlt%25@@||@@%25%25. Lines beginning with this markup denote rows in a table or a formatting line. Within table row lines the double-pipe is used to delimit cells. In the examples below a border is added for illustration (the default is no border).%0a%0aThe first line in the markup (initial double bars "%25pmhlt%25@@||@@%25%25") is required. After the double bars, there may be optional formatting commands for the table such as border or width.%0a%0a(:markup caption='Basic table' class=horiz:)%0a|| border=1%0a|| cell 1 || cell 2 || cell 3 ||%0a|| cell 1 || cell 2 ||%0a(:markupend:)%0a%0aHeader cells can be created by placing ! as the first character of a cell. Note that these are ''table headers'', not ''headings'', so it doesn't extend to !!, !!!, etc.%0a%0a(:markup caption='Table with borders and headers' class=horiz:)%0a|| border=1%0a||! cell 1 ||! cell 2 ||! cell 3 ||%0a|| cell 1 || cell 2 || cell 3 ||%0a(:markupend:)%0a%0aA table can have a caption, indicated by [@||!caption!||@]. Any caption must appear prior to other rows of the table.%0a%0a(:markup caption='Table caption' class=horiz:)%0a|| border=1%0a||! A special table !||%0a||! cell 1 ||! cell 2 ||! cell 3 ||%0a|| cell 1 || cell 2 || cell 3 ||%0a(:markupend:)%0a%0a%0a!! Formatting cell contents%0a%0aCell contents may be aligned left, centered, or aligned right. %0a* To left-align contents, place the cell contents next to the leading %25pmhlt%25@@||@@%25%25.%0a* To center contents, add a space before and after the cell contents.%0a* To right-align contents, place a space before the cell contents and leave the cell contents next to the trailing %25pmhlt%25@@||@@%25%25.%0a%0a(:markup caption='Cell alignments':)%0a|| border=1 width=100%25%0a||!cell 1 ||! cell 2 ||! cell 3||%0a||left-aligned || centered || right-aligned||%0a(:markupend:)%0a%0a(:markup caption='Default cell alignments':)%0a|| border=1 width=100%25%0a||!cell default||!cell left ||%0a||default-aligned||left-aligned ||%0a(:markupend:)%0a%0aNote that header and detail cells have different default alignments.%0a%0aTo get a cell to span multiple columns, follow the cell with empty cells.%0a(At present there is no markup for spanning rows.)%0a%0a(:markup caption='Column spanning':)%0a|| border=1 width=100%25%0a|| |||| right column ||%0a|| || right two columns ||||%0a|| || middle column || ||%0a|| left column || ||||%0a|| left two columns |||| ||%0a|| entire row ||||||%0a|| left column || middle column || right column ||%0a(:markupend:)%0a%0a!! Table attributes%0a%0aAny line that begins with %25pmhlt%25@@||@@%25%25 but doesn't have a closing %25pmhlt%25@@||@@%25%25 sets the ''table attributes'' for any tables that follow. These attributes can control the size and position of the table, borders, background color, and cell spacing. (In fact these are just standard HTML attributes that are placed in the %3ctable> tag.)%0a%0aUse the [@width=@] attribute to set a table's width, using either a percentage value, an absolute size, or '''*'''.%0a%0aSee also $SimpleTableDefaultClassName.%0a%0a(:markup caption='Table width':)%0a|| border=1 width=100%25 %0a|| cell 1 || cell 2 || cell 3 ||%0a|| c1 || cellcellcellcell2 || cell 3 ||%0a(:markupend:)%0a%0aThe [@border=@] attribute sets the size of a table's borders.%0a%0a(:markup caption='Bordered table' class=horiz:)%0a|| border=10 width=70%25%0a||!cell 1 ||! cell 2 ||! cell 3||%0a||left-aligned || centered || right-aligned||%0a(:markupend:)%0a%0a(:markup caption='Borderless table' class=horiz:)%0a|| border=0 width=70%25%0a||!cell 1 ||! cell 2 ||! cell 3||%0a||left-aligned || centered || right-aligned||%0a(:markupend:)%0a%0aUse [@align=center@], [@align=left@], and [@align=right@] to center, left, or right align a table. Note that [@align=left@] and [@align=right@] create a ''floating table'', such that text wraps around the table.%0a%0a(:markup caption='Table alignment: center':)%0a|| border=1 align=center width=50%25%0a||!cell 1 ||! cell 2 ||! cell 3||%0a||left-aligned || centered || right-aligned||%0aNotice how text does not wrap with a table using "align=center".%0a(:markupend:)%0a%0a(:markup caption='Table alignment: left':)%0a|| border=1 align=left width=50%25%0a||!cell 1 ||! cell 2 ||! cell 3||%0a||left-aligned || centered || right-aligned||%0aNotice how text wraps to the right of a table using "align=left".%0a(:markupend:)%0a%0a(:markup caption='Table alignment: right':)%0a|| border=1 align=right width=50%25%0a||!cell 1 ||! cell 2 ||! cell 3||%0a||left-aligned || centered || right-aligned||%0aNotice how text wraps to the left of a table using "align=right".%0a(:markupend:)%0a%0aNote: to get a table to align left (but not "float left") requires CSS, as in%0a->%25pmhlt%25[@||style="margin-left:0px;"@]%0a%0aThe [@bgcolor=@] attribute sets the background color for a table. At present there is no way to specify the color of individual rows or cells in this type of table (but see Cookbook:FormattingTables).%0a%0a(:markup class=horiz:)%0a|| border=1 align=center bgcolor=yellow width=70%25%0a||!cell 1 ||! cell 2 ||! cell 3||%0a||left-align || center || right-align||%0a(:markupend:)%0a%0a!! Sortable tables [[#sortable]]%0aTo allow readers to reorder a table, give it the class="sortable" attribute:%0a(:markup:)%0a|| class="sortable simpletable"%0a||! m||!Geographic zone ||!Highest point ||!Country ||%0a|| 3700||Arctic ||Gunnbjørn Fjeld ||Greenland ||%0a|| 8848||North Temperate Zone ||Mount Everest ||Nepal ||%0a|| 5790||North Tropical Zone ||Cayambe ||Ecuador ||%0a|| 6768||South Tropical Zone ||Huáscarán ||Peru ||%0a|| 6960||South Temperate Zone ||Aconcagua ||Argentina ||%0a|| 4892||Antarctic ||Mount Vinson ||(none) ||%0a(:markupend:)%0a%0aNotes:%0a* This feature has to be enabled in local configuration, see $EnableSortable. It will then work both for simple tables as above, and for [[table directives]] with the class="sortable" attribute.%0a* The optional "simpletable" class is available in core skins and possibly other skins, it should define reasonably simple table styles.%0a* The first row of the table needs to have heading cells with %25pmhlt%25 [@||!@]%25%25 separators which can be clicked to order the rows by the column.%0a* If the last row of your table should be a footer that is not sorted, use the class "sortable-footer" instead of "sortable". If you use %25pmhlt%25 [@||!@]%25%25 separators in the footer, they will also allow the rows to be sorted, like the header cells.%0a%0aData types: By default, the rows are sorted numerically, if the cells contain unformatted numeric values, or alphabetically. You can define the sorting data type of a column by adding to the heading cell an empty [[WikiStyle(s)]] element:%0a* %25pmhlt%25@@[=%25sort-numeric-us%25%25%25=]@@ - cells in the column contain US-formatted numbers like @@1,234.56@@.%0a* %25pmhlt%25@@[=%25sort-numeric%25%25%25=]@@ - cells in the column contain SI-formatted numbers like @@1 234,56@@.%0a* %25pmhlt%25@@[=%25sort-date%25%25%25=]@@ - cells in the column contain dates or date-times that will be parsed by the browser. Dates like "2023-11-19" or "2023-11-19 14:09:11" should be correctly parsed, other dates in English might be correctly detected or not.%0a* %25pmhlt%25@@[=%25sort-time%25%25%25=]@@ - the cell contains a %25hlt html%25@@%3ctime datetime="...">%3c/time>@@ element, and its "datetime" value should be used for sorting. Markup like %25pmhlt%25@@[=@2022-01-08T10:07:08Z=]@@ or @@[={(ftime "%25L" "{*$LastModifiedTime}")}=]@@ would output a %3ctime> element in the timezone of the visitor, with more or less precision depending on $EnableLocalTimes, but the "datetime" attributes should allow precise sorting.%0a%0a!! FAQ%0a>>faq%3c%3c [[#faq]]%0aQ: How do I create a basic table? %0aA: Tables are created via use of the double pipe character: @@||@@. Lines beginning with this markup denote rows in a table; within such lines the double-pipe is used to delimit cells. In the examples below a border is added for illustration (the default is no border).%0a%0a(:markup caption='Basic table' class=horiz:)%0a|| border=1 rules=rows frame=hsides%0a|| cell 1 || cell 2 || cell 3 ||%0a|| cell 1 || cell 2 || cell 3 ||%0a(:markupend:)%0a%0aQ: How do I create cell headers?%0aA: Header cells can be created by placing ! as the first character of a cell. Note that these are ''table headers'', not ''headings'', so it doesn't extend to !!, !!!, etc.%0a%0a(:markup caption='Table headers' class=horiz:)%0a|| border=1 rules=cols frame=vsides%0a||! cell 1 ||! cell 2 ||! cell 3 ||%0a|| cell 1 || cell 2 || cell 3 ||%0a(:markupend:)%0a%0aQ: How do I obtain a table with thin lines and more distance to the content?%0aA: "Thin lines" is tricky and browser dependent, but the following works for Firefox and IE (Nov. 2009):%0a%0a(:markup caption='Thin lines and cell padding' class=horiz:)%0a||border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse" cellpadding="5" width=66%25%0a||!Header ||! Header || '''Header'''||%0a||cells || with || padding||%0a|| || || ||%0a(:markupend:)%0a%0aQ: How do I create an advanced table? %0aA: See [[PmWiki.TableDirectives | table directives]]%0a%0aQ: My tables are by default centered. When I try to use '||align=left' they don't align left as expected. %0aA: Use ||style="margin-left:0px;" instead. %0a%0aQ: How can I specify the width of columns?%0aA: You can define the widths via custom styles, see Cookbook:FormattingTables and $TableCellAttrFmt. Add in config.php :%0a[@$TableCellAttrFmt = 'class=col$TableCellCount';@]%0a-> And add in pub/css/local.css : %0a[@%0atable.column td.col1 { width: 120px; }%0atable.column td.col3 { width: 40px; }%0a@]%0a%0aQ: How can I display a double pipe "||" in cell text using basic table markup?%0aA: Escape it with [@[=||=]@] to display || unchanged.%0a%0aQ: How do I apply styles to the elements of the table, like an ID to the table row, or a class/style to the TD?%0aA: See [[PmWiki/WikiStyles#WikiStyleApply | $WikiStyleApply]].%0a%0aAlternately, use [[table directives]], which allow specifying styling either directly (''style="..."'') or by a ''class="..."'' attribute for CSS.%0a%0aQ: Is there a simple way to change the table defaults? I prefer a border and I'm tired of adding it to every table.%0aA: You can set %25hlt php%25 @@$SimpleTableDefaultClassName = 'simpletable';@@ and/or define your own styles in your stylesheet. The "simpletable" class is available in the core skins, and can be redefined or overridden in pub/css/local.css.%0a